
Grow Your BPO With Cloud-based Omnichannel

Image by YkleduY ABH from Pixabay

If you run a third-party customer service business, you know that efficiency matters. The more productive your team is, the better service you can deliver to your clients and your clients’ customers. However, scaling such enterprises is often difficult, because customers are constantly on the lookout for simpler ways to get the service they need.

One way to future-proof your BPO and focus on growth at the same time is to utilize the strengths of cloud-based omnichannel call center software. With cloud call center software, you can offer customers choice and convenience, ultimately retaining customers for a much longer amount of time.

Customer satisfaction

The choice is a powerful incentive to offer your customers, particularly when it comes to getting them the support they need. An omnichannel approach encourages your consumers to engage with your business on their own terms, whether that means rescheduling a dentist appointment through text message or receiving shipping notifications from an AI-powered bot.

At the same time, if a customer is struggling to troubleshoot an issue online, they can quickly engage with a support agent on phone or even video chat. All of this helps you meet customers where they are in a way that is convenient and values their needs. This ultimately results in higher customer satisfaction, a major factor in the repeat business your company needs in order to grow.

Customer satisfaction should always be your top priority, no matter what vertical you serve. This is because a happy consumer will truly invest in a company, its products, and its services. Staying one step ahead of your customers is important, as more than half of consumers report higher standards for service today than they did a year ago.

As standards increase, you need a way to meet these needs, and omnichannel call center software can play a pivotal role in this process. By connecting with a business’ CRM system, your BPO can provide better, more personalized service without sacrificing time or money. Being able to easily access important customer data all in the same user interface also reduces the time it takes to respond to a customer’s request, which can also increase customer satisfaction.

Data management

Another reason why an omnichannel call center solution is ideal for businesses looking to grow is because of how it creates an interconnected ecosystem of customer data.

For example, if your company is experiencing server issues that affect your software-as-a-service (SaaS) product, you may want to send an email out to certain customers to warn them about the problems and let them know that your IT team is working to fix the issue. That being said, some customers will likely experience the problems without seeing your email first.

With omnichannel call center software, your agents can see whether or not a customer has opened an email campaign, as well as whether or not they received the message. This can provide valuable context to their interactions with the customer, particularly if the customer is frustrated about the software outage.

In other approaches to running your BPO, you likely wouldn’t get this kind of connectivity as a third-party provider. As a result, your customer service would suffer, and so would your business. Cloud-based omnichannel call center software can thus act as an insurance policy that you’re always staying one step ahead in all your customer interactions.

From offering convenience to your clients’ customers to improving interactions with your client, there are plenty of reasons for your BPO to adopt cloud-based omnichannel call center software. By maximizing productivity with the right software package, you’ll, in turn, be able to grow your business as your profits begin to increase.

The result is a workflow that offers a wide range of connectivity and meets your clients’ needs while allowing you to scale your business and reach new heights.

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