Buying your first car or upgrading to a more recent model can be exciting. But as satisfying as this may be, it may have its own drawbacks. For instance, your car can be a source of stress even when parked. Aside from being targeted by car thieves, your vehicle requires occasional washing, routine maintenance, battery recharging, and running to circulate fluids every few weeks. Whether you want to cash in on demand for used cars or can’t seem to keep up with rising fuel costs, here are a few reasons you should consider going without your car.
- Lack of regular use

When was the last time you drove your vehicle? How many miles did your car accumulate last month? And how many days have you driven it in the past week? Many businesses have embraced remote working in the aftermath of the pandemic resulting in a significant decrease in total miles driven. A study showed around 38% to 48% drop in personal vehicle usage during the COVID. Driving may be on the rise again, but if you are getting along fine without it, you can consider cashing in on your car instead of leaving it in your garage.
- Save money for other pressing needs
Many people have long been enticed to splurge on an automobile, with companies using creative and convincing advertisements to showcase their latest models. However, keeping a car is expensive, from buying insurance, fuel spending, and regular maintenance to potential repairs you have to deal with. Additionally, getting rid of a car payment isn’t one of the most convenient things. And there may be other pressing issues that require finances. For example, you might want to put that money toward debt repayment or a down payment on your house. Consider the total costs of car ownership, including how much you would save without it. The answer to whether you should consider going carless could be there.
- Build community
As the years pass, only a handful of people can recognize their neighbors. Most Americans in a PEW study said they only know of some of their neighbors, and the number keeps dropping by the day. This could be due to distrust among neighbors. However, knowing the people who live close to you can be beneficial. For example, they could alert you when someone suspicious is lurking around your property in your absence. Going careless could help you interact more with your neighbors to build a community all parties can rely on. Taking a walk or riding your bicycle instead of driving could increase the probability that you will meet the people who live nearby. Going car-free could mean spending more time getting to know your neighbors and helping to develop a better community.
- Cash in on high car prices
If you choose to sell your automobile, remember that it is a seller’s market. A recent study shows an increase in the average price of used cars, with consumers paying $10,000 above normal prices. Plus, it is now easier than ever to sell your secondhand automobile. Some online used vehicle merchants will pay you an upfront price and collect the car themselves from your home. Alternatively, you can sell your vehicle to a local dealer that is likely looking for trade-ins for their used car lot. You will be surprised how much your older car can fetch you. You can call the junk car buyer, even if you have a car you have been driving over the last decades and think you won’t be able to enjoy the abundance that today’s vendors offer.
- Reduce your carbon impact

The Environmental Defense Fund reports that vehicular traffic accounts for approximately 75% of carbon monoxide emissions produced in the US annually. And the Environmental Protection Agency reports that car travels of less than a mile can total 10 billion miles annually. Transportation accounts for around 27% of total greenhouse gas emissions, and driving could produce around 411 grams of CO2 every mile. You can contribute to a cleaner environment by reducing or completely avoiding driving. Imagine what bicycling or walking instead of driving could do for your physical health. You will also save money on petrol while reducing your carbon footprint. The pandemic forced the world to consider healthier, more convenient, and more efficient ways to carry out everyday activities. This is because it became clear the impact many human activities had on the environment. With less commuting and activity, water bodies became clearer, the air was cleaner, and sightings of wildlife were thought to be extinct.
There are many perks to owning a car. But can you relate to any of the above reasons? If yes, then you may have to let go of your automobile.