

What Will Smart Homes Look Like in 2020?

What Will Smart Homes Look Like in 2020?

  The idea of a smart home is no longer something that’s limited to the uber-wealthy or technologically inclined. The average homeowner has started to embrace the technology, and according to S & P Market Intelligence, about 12.5 percent of ...

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Will Automated Vehicles Make Our Roads Safer?

Will Automated Vehicles Make Our Roads Safer?

  Technological advances never fail to amaze the world, and automated vehicles are definitely no exception. The concept of having your own personal chauffeur is incredible, especially considering that technically, the chauffeur doesn’t even exist! 49% of drivers believe that ...

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When It Comes to Smart Homes, the Future Is Already Here

When It Comes to Smart Homes, the Future Is Already Here

  Introduction Home automation used to be simple equipment made by linear actuator manufacturers like TV lifts and security cameras. When technology continued to develop, the actuators were made into more equipment, thus extending their use and range within the ...

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What the Future Holds for the Automotive Industry

What the Future Holds for the Automotive Industry

Technology is rapidly progressing. And one of the most impressive branches of technology is that within the automotive industry. From seatbelts to ABS brakes to hybrids, technology in vehicles has already come a long way from the days of the ...

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4 Coolest Smart Gadgets for Your Home in 2015

4 Coolest Smart Gadgets for Your Home in 2015

Smart gadgets are becoming more useful and affordable. Consider adding these four smart gadgets to your home in 2015. Once you have them, you won’t know how you lived without them. Smart Vents Save Money and Improve Comfort If you ...

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The Evolution of Restaurant Gaming

The Evolution of Restaurant Gaming

You may have fond memories of playing darts at the neighborhood pub, but today gaming restaurants are becoming a worldwide favorite. While you might still find some arcade favorites at the pizza joint on the corner, you are increasingly likely ...

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