If you are keen to make sure that you are using the internet right, one of the major first steps that you should take is to try to protect yourself online as best as you can. There are so many ...
Is the New Built-In Windows 10 VPN Client Better Than the VPN App?
If you’re very much in to understanding the recent Windows 10 developments, you must have come across new Windows 10 VPN client. When you have a first glance of it you may think that all your worries regarding online privacy ...
Protecting Your Ecommerce Business from Inside and Outside Threats
Image by YkleduY ABH from Pixabay The e-commerce market has been booming over the past several years. However, since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, when many businesses were forced to move to the online environment to stay afloat, we’ve ...
Digital Process Automation and Its Key Role in the Digital Transformation of Companies
Group of business people sitting at desk and having a meeting about future strategy Digital transformation is an excellent opportunity for all organisations that want to grow their business effectively and in line with the latest trends, while better responding ...
How do I add a VPN to Google cloud?
Using the internet in this day and age has many advantages. It ranges from providing every piece of information on the go, to allowing people to perform remote access business tasks from any corner of the world. However, as we ...
3 Ways to Stay Connected While Staying Home
With the CDC and many local governments still urging people to social distance as much as possible, most of us are continuing to spend more time at home than ever before. While staying home is a great chance to catch ...
The Role of OTA Updates in IoT Device Management
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay According to a new IDC report, there will be 41.6 billion IoT devices by 2025, and they will be generating 79.4 zettabytes of data. Connected devices communicate with each other, transfer datasets, and work ...
The Future Of Education Is Online
Image by Goumbik from Pixabay According to a survey by Babson, there has been an exponential increase in distance learning enrollment since 2006. At least 30% of students in higher education take at least one distance course. The report also ...
Should I Use Shopify for My New Business?
If you are new to building websites, you may be wondering what you should use to get your business online. There are a lot of options out there and it can get a little complicated. In fact, a lot of ...
Digital Transformation: Guide To Grow Your Business With Innovation
Image by Gerd Altmann from Pixabay Digital transformation explains the integration of innovative digital technologies that implement fundamental changes in how the business functions. The core of the shift in functions is the introduction of software solutions that guide the ...