You’ve more than likely heard the phrase, “there’s an app for that” a few times during the last decade. And this is simply because if you think you need it, chances are a developer can make an app for it.
Correspondingly, apps have become the go-to resource ever since smartphone interfaces changed the virtual landscape back in 2007 with the development of the iPhone.
Today, if you’re working in app development, or if you’re in the business of building sites and devices, you have a variety of tools to work with. But your overall success will depend greatly on the tools that you incorporate. And this is especially true when it comes to active apps such as tools used on fitness apps and the like.
But what are some of the best tools to incorporate?
Thankfully, when it comes to active app development, most users want real-time access to data. And depending on the activity, the following will offer a few tools that you should consider for your apps.
Weather API
Weather is something that we all have to keep up with in our daily lives. Our plans often change depending on the weather. And without real-time weather data, we could find ourselves in problematic or hazardous situations.
For example, if you’re developing an active app for kayakers or cyclists, chances are that these individuals will want to know real-time weather data so they can plan accordingly for their trip. And using a weather API is perfect for this type of site or app.
A weather Application Programming Interface (API) allows access to critical forecast data, alerts and other weather observations. And with integrations for cache-friendly content, incorporating a weather API on your app or site can be done without little difficulty for most experienced developers. Companies like Visual Crossing will work with you and provide your app the most current and accurate, real-time weather data. They’ll provide a weather API specifically for you.
Heart-Rate API
Nowadays, especially after the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, more people are becoming attuned to their physical health. And heart-health is among the top concerns for most people today.
Any active person is likely going to be interested in monitoring their heart-rate. And this is especially true for marathon runners, cyclists, those who frequent the gym, or anyone on a specific health regimen where the heart-rate needs to be closely monitored.
Adding a heart-rate API is a great feature for active users. And this has actually been popularized by such devices as the Fitbit and even the health applications on the iPhone.
With a heart-rate sensor, an active user can easily glance down and monitor their heart rate using their favorite app or device. This is why heart-rate API tools are in popular demand today.
Blood Oxygen API
Oxygen saturation (SpO2) is a measurement of oxygen in the blood. And this can be a great feature for active users such as alpine trail runners, mountaineers, climbers, search and rescue personnel, or anyone operating high above sea level.
Additionally, users with respiratory illnesses or those with lung disease can also benefit from having a blood/oxygen API on their device.
Today as of 2022, such devices as the Apple Watch have the capability to sample SpO2 using an optical heart sensor. And this information is relayed via an LED light. The usability of this API has made it easier for active users to keep track in case their SpO2 levels begin to drop, which can be hazardous due to hypoxemia, or fatal if levels drop too low.
Of all the latest API technology, SpO2 is one of the more recent developments. And many users often question the accuracy of these apps. However, incorporating a SpO2 API can offer your users much more detailed information. And this can be critical, especially for those working in alpine environments.
Any app developer needs to know his or her target audience to best equip a site or app for the best user experience. As such, if you’re developing apps for active users, consider what type of information these users will want to know, and what features will offer the most convenience.