
artificial Intelligence

The Use of AI in Inventory Management

The Use of AI in Inventory Management

Image Source The manufacturing industry has grown by leaps and bounds in the last couple of decades. Increasing customer demands have forced companies to focus more on their production processes, and this has intensified the need for better inventory management. ...

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The Future of Artificial Intelligence

The Future of Artificial Intelligence

Believe it or not- we all are leveraging artificial intelligence like technology in our everyday life. Whether it is about locating the nearby barber shop to a simple order we placed over e-commerce marketplace- AI is somehow involved in it. ...

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Ways AI Is Changing the Travel Industry

Ways AI Is Changing the Travel Industry

Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience. It can adjust to new input and even perform tasks similar to the way humans can. Some examples of AI that you’re probably familiar with include self-driving cars ...

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How AI is Beating Humanity at Its Own Game

There’s a lot of concern surrounding artificial intelligence (which is often known as AI). Some people are worried it could take on jobs humans might have otherwise done, and no one really knows how the technology could develop in years ...

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