Laser applications have evolved over the years. Now, more than ever, the medical field has leaned on laser energy to treat a myriad of diseases, including COVID-19 symptoms. It might seem a bit off to use this much energy on ...
Disciplined and observational study of the natural world including, but not limited to: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Science.
Air Pollution: How It Affects Student Health
As human beings have progressed more and more, developing new industries and burning fossil fuels without a second thought, the world has seen the side effects in the form of pollution and global warming. Air pollution in particular remains one ...
Insulin Reminder Apps Are Key to Successful Diabetes Management
Image by Steve Buissinne from Pixabay A number of new healthcare apps are changing the way we live and provide treatment. Last year, Gallup reported that around 20% of all Americans currently use at least one healthcare app to improve ...
mRNA Could be the Decisive Weapon in the Long War on Cancer
Image by PDPics from Pixabay For most of the last century, doctors have searched with limited success for a cure for cancer. As a group, cancers are among the deadliest diseases to affect humans and feature poor outcomes and high ...
Treatment of Neuroendocrine Tumors
Photo by Tima Miroshnichenko from Pexels Neuroendocrine tumors (NET) have long been considered a rare pathology, and, accordingly, little attention was paid to it both in the process of specialist training and in the differential diagnostic research. However, the increase in the incidence ...
7 Incredible Surgical Advancements That Are Changing Lives
The future looks bright for those with horrible injuries. The advancements made in medicine and surgery have been incredible over the last few years. We must also acknowledge that some very important progress has been made in the affordability of ...
Who Invented The Metallurgical Microscope?
The metallurgical microscope was invented in 1863 by a geologist named Henty Clifton Sorby, who, among other things, also founded metallography, which is the study of metal’s physical components and physical structure through microscopy. Sorby made several important discoveries in ...
7 Ways Technology is Changing and Improving Healthcare
Technology is constantly changing the way we interact with the world. The healthcare industry, in particular, is continuously evolving in tandem with technology. Many of the things we now view as easily treatable were once death sentences. Consider the fact ...
Digital PCR: A promising testing method by Stilla Technologie
Image by mcmurryjulie from Pixabay Recent events have proven that the world of medicine continues to require reliable testing solutions that can be implemented quickly and on a large scale. Digital PCR provides scientists with the means to carry out ...
Scientific Ways To Improve Your Wellbeing in 2021
2020 has been an ‘interesting’ year, has it not? By interesting, we mean incredibly difficult for many people. It has been a year of loss, of sacrifice, and personal challenges that no one ever thought that they would have to ...