The Casio GB-5600AA-1JF and Casio GB-6900AA-1JF All the G-Shock BT models During CES 2013 taking place in Las Vegas, Casio showcased several recently released Bluetooth watches coming to the US later this year. The watches can be connected to iPhone ...
CES 2013: PowerDock 5 – the Multi-Device Charger
PowerDock 5 PowerDock 5 PowerBlock Universal PowerJolt Griffin just came out with a new docking station that can charge up to 5 mobile devices at once. The company also introduced 2 other small chargers that uses smart charging technology so ...
Kubi – The Telepresence Robotic VOIP Platform
Kubi – robotic arm for your tablet The evolution of Kubi San Francisco based start-up “Revolve Robotics” developed a new robotic telepresence unit which allows users to pan and tilt a tablet used for video-conferencing and “look around” any remote ...
Revolve – Bluetooth Rope that Counts your Jumps
The Revolve in action The Revolve – BT bottom The Revolve app The Revolve artwork Skipping rope is one of the best cardiovascular activities around. However jump ropes haven’t changed much in the past few decades – that is until ...
Logitech Bluetooth Easy-Switch Keyboard for Mac
The Logitech Easy-Switch Keyboard Earlier today Logitech unveiled two new peripherals for Apple devices: the Bluetooth Easy-Switch Keyboard and Rechargeable wireless Trackpad. The Easy-Switch Keyboard has a unique feature (which can be guessed from its name) it can quickly switch ...
DoorBot – the Wireless Doorbell
The Doorbot The Doorbot app A new concept for a smart doorbell equipped with a wireless camera that can connect you to whoever is at your doorstep using your smartphone or tablet is under development and it just might change ...
SpareOne – the 15 years Emergency Mobile Phone
The SpareOne mobile phone SpareOne is a unique product – using a single AA battery it can last unused for 15 years and can be used to make a an emergency phone call almost anywhere in the world and it ...
StickNFind – So you Will Never Misplace Anything
Stick-N-Find Bluetooth sticker The Stick-N-Find app Stick-N-Find is a new community backed project to develop small Bluetooth enabled stickers which can help you locate and track practically everything using a simple applications. If it hold true to its promise you ...
Japanese Super Cooling Foam
The Cold Foam on the hand (Credit: During hot summer days there might only one thing that you might want and that is something to cool you down. Luckily a Japanese company came up with something that just might ...
Google Nexus 10 – the New High Res Tablet King
The new Nexus 10 by Google Amidst the turmoil caused by the Sandy super storm Google was able to reveal yesterday several new products including the highest resolution tablet ever announced – Nexus 10 as well as a new Nexus ...