Oakley just announced the Airwave Ski – a futuristic looking ski goggles with a built in information display with wireless communication which can show versatile data including ski analytics such as speed, altitude, vertical descent data and as well as stream music or transmit mobile calls from iPhone or Android smartphone.
The world of ski is about to change forever with the introduction of the Oakley Airwave Ski – smart goggles with a small built-in heads-up display which appears to the user similar to a 14-inch screen seen at a distance of five feet. The Airwave includes a built in GPS, Bluetooth, an accelerometer, a gyroscope, as well as a few other tricks.
One of the key features of the Airwave Ski is going to be interactive mapping. Using the Airwaves goggles you will be able to see your exact location on a map for more than 600 resorts worldwide (the gyroscope will even tell you exactly at where you are looking. Being connected to a smartphone also allow users of the Airwaves to now where their friends are on a map in relation to them. You can even see a map telling you which is the best way to take to meet your friends who are waiting for you down the slope.
Airwaves doesn’t have a camera (like the currently prototype Google Glass we covered here recently), instead it was designed to work in together with a GoPro extreme camera allowing the user to see the camera’s image inside his heads-up display. The user can also imbed his ski performance on top of the video from the GoPro camera.
Oakley has released an SDK (software development kit) that lets developers come up with their own applications and supported devices and you can already find a third-party heart monitor and stop-watch apps. Oakley itself will have both an iOS and Android apps released alongside the Airwave Ski.
The Oakley Airwave Ski will set you back about $600 starting October 31 this year.
The following video from Oakley shows some of the features of the Airwave Ski in action