Universities, colleges, and academic institutions of all shapes and sizes are the places where dynamic minds learn about new practices and disciplines, defining their new path for the future. Whether you’re someone in their early twenties earning a degree for the first time, a middle-aged individual seeking to transfer careers, or perhaps someone in their golden years hoping to learn a new language – there’s a nobility in self-pursued education.
Of course, in many respects, the institutions and companies that provide such education are businesses, even if operating as non-profits. No matter the structure of your educational enterprise, it’s important to accept the responsibility for this unique product and service you offer.
In this post, we’ll discuss some measures for helping your students achieve better greats, and to develop a better reputation for your brand:
Invest In 24/7 Library Support
A great library can make all the difference in an excellent place of learning worth attending. If you can, keeping them available around the clock can help you ensure students are able to get the most from their study sessions and work to their schedule.
It’s not just about leaving the lights on, mind you. Full-service support is a great idea to keep to a certain extent – being able to check out books, database access, and security that comes to check people’s IDs throughout the evening can keep this policy sensible, allowing you to keep the entrance open for students while still ensuring your facilities aren’t abused.
Ensure Security & Accessibility Regarding IT Systems
We tend to take study systems for granted, but when students rely on IT systems to access resources from their courses, submit course work at strict times, or talk with their lecturers, these systems must be both secure and easy to use. That’s why you should consider IT solutions for universities, understanding that if your network goes down during peak exam periods, it can throw everything into chaos and leave students feeling frustrated and unsupported.
Of course, in 2024 is essential to invest in robust cybersecurity measures that protect student data and academic records with the same kind of priority. At the same time, your IT systems should be accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities, such as those who may need screen readers or additional login support.
Implement A Lecturer Mentor System
Sometimes, all a student really needs to get through a tough academic period is someone to turn to for advice and support, and of course, the lecturer should be filling that role. However, adding further options such as a lecturer mentor system can be very helpful. Pairing students with faculty members or even mature students who can offer guidance on the basics of studying and life on the campus can keep people enrolled
This kind of system allows students to share knowledge and become ambassadors for the space, which for many is a connection with someone who has been through the academic grind themselves. Perhaps you run after lecture classes on how to structure an essay, have independent professionals helping newcomers consider course selections, or just being there to listen for personal measures, like using an independent body for financial advice, a mentor system can potentially help someone avoid dropping out.
Integrate Remote Learning & Classes Where Suitable
The pandemic threw us all for a loop – and that’s putting it mildly – but it also demonstrated to us that remote learning can be pretty powerful when done right. That doesn’t mean you have to ignore traditional classrooms entirely – but structuring courses when needed so that online and in-person learning complement each other. You might record your lectures and put them online for example, or allow for remote folders secured behind account portals for course materials.
In 2024, some hybrid courses are popular, especially as it relates to course study or turning in general course work going forward. Some universities have even enrolled fully remote options for programs where it makes sense, such as the Open University in the UK where graded coursework is the name of the game. It’s a way to still offer your products for students who might struggle to attend in person, whether due to work, family, or distance. In the hyper online world of work many of us know, this will hardly fail to prepare us for the future.
Court Graduate Employment Schemes
It’s important to remember that while many students will appreciate studying with you, all educational facilities are a stepping stone for the future. While learning for its own sake can be great fun, that’s rarely why people pay academic fees, sometimes taking out great loans to do so. They learn because they believe, and hope, that it will one day pay off.
For that reason, courting graduate employment schemes is a way to give them a leg up while also boosting your institution’s reputation and place in the field. This could mean teaming up with local businesses for internships, hosting job fairs several times a year, or setting up mentorship programs to help graduates make that transition. However, if you choose to do it, building that bridge between the classroom and the “real world,” can be a massive boost to anyone looking to do well. This might even convince one student to choose your facilities over another.
Provide Independent and Confidential Financial Advice
Financial stress is a common issue for many students, and it can seriously affect their academic performance, so offering access to independent and confidential financial advice can make a huge impact in their well-being. That could involve with budgeting, understanding student loans, or advice on managing part-time work alongside studies. It might even help them out of a debt hole. The positive benefits of such an offering are hard to overstate. As such, having financial advisors available, either through drop-in sessions or scheduled appointments, can prevent those issues from becoming deeply woven into your student life.
With this advice, you’ll be certain to better support your students through academic tuition and helpful learning efforts going forward.