
Take Your Office in Your Pocket

Over the last few years working for yourself has become a popular alternative to the 9-5.  It is a little wonder when you consider the freedom that it offers, and the decreasing security that employment brings.  With stricter regulations on sick leave, cuts to pension levels and more there is less incentive to see your job as a vital component.  Working for yourself literally means you can have an office anywhere. While the reality is most of my days are spent at home using my laptop, advances in mobile technology mean I can project the illusion of working even when I am sat on a beach topping up my tan.  If I actually need to do more than just be responsive to my clients, then every app I need is a click away, and 4G means I can send and deliver work wherever I might be.


Get the Best Phone for the Job

Depending on your line of work the phone you choose may vary.  Running a variety of apps like Word and Excel are a prerequisite for some, so ensure the processor behind the phone is up to the job.  For some roles being contactable is the main thing, but consider whether you need to be able to record details from the call, and how you need to retrieve the information at a later date.  If you have colleagues, then collaboration apps bring a fluidity to work, with tasks logged and updated, so you all know what is happening. Smartphones have so much capability for many people their whole business is now entirely mobile so be sure to look for the best mobile phone deal that gives you a robust tool to work with.


Consider Connectivity When Picking a Contract

Mobile data can be expensive, more so if you go over your contracted time. 4G is the most likely source of mobile data, and it can be frustrating if you hit an area that time forgot where 3G is still a thing.  Granted it is slower, but it will get you there eventually. Internet cafes may have primarily died a death but hotspots and free wifi offered by businesses are another alternatives, and these are on the increase which is great news if you are on the go a lot.  Be sure to factor in the amount of mobile data you will need and consider an unlimited package to make sure you are covered.


There is an App For Almost Everything

If you want to immerse yourself and commit to the roaming office fully, then go the full hog and get as many business apps as you can.  Most accounting packages offer an app that allows you to track expenses on the go. You can connect your bank account with an app from your bank and see in real time what is happening on the finance front.  Dropbox means you can store work away from the phone and not take up valuable storage space. You can even review and sign contracts on the go with apps like SignEasy.

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