

Interesting Science Toys and Presents for Kids

Interesting Science Toys and Presents for Kids

With the ever-present technology incorporated in every activity in our daily lives, kids nowadays, including toddlers, can quickly figure out how to operate any gadget. However, there are many fun and exciting science toys and presents we can give our ...

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3 Incredible Things Scientists Can Grow In Labs

3 Incredible Things Scientists Can Grow In Labs

Image by Grown Diamond from Pixabay There have been some truly unbelievable scientific breakthroughs in the last century, with pioneering vaccines, genome engineering techniques and more monumentally changing the world forever. But beyond the eye-catching, lifesaving discoveries we all know ...

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The Einsteinian Black Hole is a Reality

The Einsteinian Black Hole is a Reality

Image Source The genius of Albert Einstein has been proven again. His theory of relativity has been attacked, ridiculed and confirmed over the last 100 years. Once upon a time, Albert Einstein postulated that massive gravitational objects that warp the ...

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Nano-Structures are the Future of Water Repellency

Nano-Structures are the Future of Water Repellency

Conical Nano-Structure Water Hitting the Test Surface Even the most robust water repellent surfaces that are found in windshields, boat hulls and power generators have a tendency to give way under extreme conditions. Conditions such as increased pressure and high ...

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Harder than Diamond

Harder than Diamond

Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas have calculated that compressed lonsdaleite (also called a hexagonal diamond) is 58% harder than a diamond. Traditionally, lonsdaleite has been rated between 7 and 8 on the ...

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NASA eClips

NASA eClips

The National Aeronautics and Space Agency is posting a variety of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) educational videos freely available for use in the classroom or home environment. Called “NASA eClips,” the program provides short videos for different age ...

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