

Stimulating Muscle Growth

Stimulating Muscle Growth

A leg extension machine used to work the muscles of the lower body. Source: George Stepanek. Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada have determined that muscle fatigue and not the amount of weight involved is the critical factor ...

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Jawbone Creates Up to Improve Health

Jawbone Creates Up to Improve Health

Accessory company Jawbone recently revealed their latest creation. “Up,” a hardware and software system that tracks the eating, sleeping, and movements of its wearers, gives them a picture of their overall health. The wristband is about the same size and ...

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The Exercise Pill

If you don’t like exercising you’re definitely not alone in your aversion. However, soon there may be a solution for you – in a form of a pill. Scientists from the Salk institute for Biological studies in California have developed ...

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Nike+ Sportband

Nike+ Sportband

Nike recently unveiled a new accessory for athletes: the Nike+ Sportband. The wristband collects information during running, jumping, or any other athletic activity, and analyzes the data either in real-time or later, on the user’s PC. The new device is ...

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Poweriser – White Men Can Jump

Poweriser – White Men Can Jump

The Poweriser is a simple innovative device which provides an opportunity to exercise and have a lot of fun in the process. Jumping up to 2-meters (7-feet) in the air as well as taking huge 3-meters (10-feet) strides could be ...

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