You may have fond memories of playing darts at the neighborhood pub, but today gaming restaurants are becoming a worldwide favorite. While you might still find some arcade favorites at the pizza joint on the corner, you are increasingly likely ...
Is the Future of Interface Flat Design or Skeuomorphism?
With the arrival of higher screen resolutions and an increase in technological efficiency, it seems the age of skeuomorphism has passed in much the same way that modernism was replaced by postmodernism. What users were left with was flat design, ...
The Limitless Opportunities of 3D Printing
When the concept of the 3D printer was first introduced to the general public, it captured people’s imaginations like few things ever had before. Some could just call it a high-tech manufacturing technique and not be wrong, but the idea ...
Go Off The Grid With Kraftwerk-A Mini Fuel Cell Powerplant In The Palm Of Your Hand
German based startup Ezelleron GmbH, recently launched a product-Kraftwerk-on Kickstarter that could change the way we charge our mobile electronic devices. Using innovative fuel cell technology that converts gas into electrical power, Kraftwerk is leading the way in practical gridless ...
Data Stored Optically Offers Nearly Limitless Lifetime
The present-day CDs and DVDs which help store data, on an average have a lifespan of many decades. Beyond this period, usually the material begins to decay. That is why, since long researchers have been working hard to create storage ...
NanoMaterial Brings Foldable Flatscreen TVs One Step Closer To Reality
Foldable flat screen televisions are getting closer to reality as University of Houston researchers have successfully developed a new state-of-the-art stretchable and see-through electric conductor. The technology presents the potential not only for the development of foldable flat screen TVs ...
Beam Me Up, Scotty: Teleporting Energy over Long Distances Possible
A lot of people through popular science fiction television shows such as Star Trek have seen the effects of what teleportation can do. In the series, that popularized the term “Beam me up, Scotty” we see Captain Kirk, the main ...
InAir Lets You Watch TV & Access Information Minority Report Style
Prepare to have a mind blowing experience with the latest introduction – InAir. InAir can be described as technology that lets the consumer watch augmented reality television. Three people were instrumental in conceptualizing, devising methods and eventually bringing this technology ...
British Company Developed Advertising Screens that Scans Customers
Remember those creepy advertisements Tom Cruise, playing Captain John Anderton in the Minority Report (2002), saw recognizing and talking to him? Well, it seems that that this is another science fiction idea turning into reality. British company Amscreen recently announced ...
Fashion Forward: Wearable Tech for Tomorrow’s Fashionista
We’ve come a long way since the calculator watch of the 80’s, but the road to consumer accepted wearable tech has been anything but smooth. Nowhere is this more real than in female fashion. Becky Stern, director of wearables at ...