Nearly every single company has their own website and with all the competition out there today simply having an “online presence” is no longer enough. Your company represents your work and is like your company’s business card. For that reason, ...
WordPress Theme: Advantages of Going Premium
There is no set definition of a ‘Premium Word Press Theme.’ Any word press theme which is not free i.e. you require paying bucks for it is a premium theme. You might think that anybody can design word press ...
What Does A Penetration Testing Company Actually Do?
So you’ve seen the phrase ‘penetration testing’ being thrown about, but don’t really understand what’s involved, or how the companies that offer this type of service go about their work? Here’s a look at exactly how penetration testing is conducted ...
4 Security Advantages of Cloud-Based Systems for Media & Entertainment Businesses
The rapid growth of the digital economy has created a wealth of opportunities for the media and entertainment industry. Content creators benefit from easier access to distribution, allowing them to reach global audiences much more easily than was previously possible. ...
How to Start Your Own Blog
If to believe the opinion of psychologists, those who didn’t manage to become famous actors, singers, politicians or managers search for popularity using other methods. One of them is starting a blog. At a glance, this statement seems strange but ...
SEO Movements – Importance of Search Engine Rankings
There have been a lot of developments in search engine optimization since the beginning of this year. At the same time, more companies are likely to join the bandwagon and utilize the search engine optimization for their needs in internet ...
Ways on How Technology Improves Website Hosting and Security
Technology has changed the way the web operates, and there are now systems that people can use to secure their sites. While building a new site, it’s important to integrate security into the architecture of the website. You should begin ...
VPNs Solve Nosey ISP Problem
Have you ever had someone watching over your shoulder while you browse the Internet on your phone? No matter what is on the screen it’s annoying and just plain rude. Why is that? It’s because more and more our digital ...
Reasons to Use Online Grocery Delivery Services
Technological advancements have made it easier to do anything and everything. These advancements led to online shopping for electronics and clothing but now there is a new trend. Recently, people have started buying groceries online and having them delivered to ...
Buying Instagram followers for brand identity – why we are on the fence
Like any other social media platform, the chance to cement your influence on the scene is in form of followers. Having more of them gives you a greater say in what you talk about, as well as how many ...