Triton 1000 Personal Sub - TFOT

Triton 1000 Personal Sub

U.S. Submarines has developed a 2-person model submarine called the Triton 1000. The small submersible is lightweight and engineered specifically for deployment from medium-to-large yachts. With an overall height of 1.8 meters and an overall length of only 3.0 meters the Triton fits on many mid-level boat decks and at 3.3 tons it can be launched using existing equipment from most yachts.

Besides the option to transfer it on a yacht, the Triton 1000 can also be attached behind a truck or SUV. Furthermore, buyers could have their units shipped in a standard container. Its design provides for excellent visibility and high levels of comfort, while luxury leather seating and full air conditioning offer the “pilot” as much comfort as possible in such a small space.

U.S. Submarines takes pride in manufacturing submersibles with good surface stability while still meeting the ABS freeboard requirement of 0.77 meters between the water’s surface and the hatch. In comparison, several commercial manufacturers build vehicles where the passengers or scientists must embark and disembark while on the deck of the support ship. As a result, the occupants cannot safely exit the submarine while it is surfaced. This reduces operating flexibility and requires an expensive man-rated launch and recovery system.

In addition to the underwater vehicle, U.S. Submarines provide piloting and maintenance training to the owner or crew with no additional cost. The unit’s controls include intuitive joystick controls and a computer based monitoring system. According to its manufacturer, the Triton 1000 has been designed with the pilot’s leisure in mind and accordingly its operation is easy. Of course all this pleasure will run you about $1.69 million – about the price of 9 Ferrari F430; but come on, could a Ferrari let you watch the fish 1000 feet under the sea?

TFOT has also covered the XSR48 speedboat, which is a luxury powerboat with “supercar” looks, and the sQuba, which is the world’s first “green” diving car. Other related TFOT stories include the Airacuda, a remote controlled pneumatically driven fish and the Dolphin Watercraft, a fully submersible vessel designed by Innespace to mimic the look and abilities of a dolphin.

For more information on the Triton 1000, see the sub’s website.

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