Kunai USB Drive - TFOT

Kunai USB Drive

Japanese company Solid Alliance has recently introduced an innovative gadget, the Kunai USB Drive, which offers portable data storage in the form of a sharp Ninja knife. While this unorthodox combination will not offer solutions for real-life threats, it could attract collectors of exotic gadgets.
Kunai USB Drive. (Source: SolidAlliance Corporation)
Kunai USB Drive. (Source: SolidAlliance Corporation)

Originally, Kunai is a term describing a Ninja weapon used in hand-to-hand combat or as a thrown grapple. This knife, however, isn’t as large and menacing; it is 10.7 centimeters long, its thickness is 13.5 millimeters, and its width is 21 millimeters. In addition, though sharp enough to hurt its owner, it is no match to any self-defense knives available on the market.

The Kunai USB drive can connect to any computer thanks to its universal serial bus (USB) connector, offering flash memory with 2 gigabytes capacity. Though a nice feature, most gadgets offer larger storage. However, this unique combination differentiates it from other gadgets, allowing its maker to price it at the relatively high price of $125.

Now, every geek could pretend he is a true Ninja – while keeping his personal digital data with him. Solid Alliance just asks its users to keep their fingers out of the way.

TFOT has covered another unusual gadget, the iSaw, a USB-powered chainsaw. Other related TFOT stories include the OCZ Throttle, which integrates eSATA connectivity with a conventional USB drive, the SafeMouse, a mouse with 4GB of internal storage for data backup, and Fujitsu’s Theft-Proof USB.

For more information about the Kunai USB Drive, see the vendor’s website, GeeksStuff4u.

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