Snapchat is known for its rapid-fire communication style, often abbreviated into quick and catchy slang. Understanding these terms can greatly enhance your Snapchat experience. Here’s a guide to 100 popular Snapchat slangs, their meanings, and examples of how to use them.
Here are 100 Popular Snapchat Slangs & Their Meaning With Example

1. BRB – Be Right Back
Meaning: Used to indicate a temporary absence. Example: “Gotta grab a snack, BRB.”
2. BTW – By The Way
Meaning: Used to introduce additional information. Example: “BTW, did you finish the assignment?”
3. IDK – I Don’t Know
Meaning: Used to express uncertainty. Example: “IDK what to wear tonight.”
4. LOL – Laugh Out Loud
Meaning: Used to indicate something funny. Example: “Your joke made me LOL.”
5. TTYL – Talk To You Later
Meaning: Used to end a conversation temporarily. Example: “Gotta go, TTYL!”
6. SMH – Shaking My Head
Meaning: Used to show disappointment or disbelief. Example: “Forgot my keys again, SMH.”
7. OMG – Oh My God
Meaning: Used to express surprise or shock. Example: “OMG, you won the contest!”
8. FYI – For Your Information
Meaning: Used to share information. Example: “FYI, the meeting is postponed.”
9. IMO – In My Opinion
Meaning: Used to express a personal opinion. Example: “IMO, that movie was great.”
10. TBH – To Be Honest
Meaning: Used to introduce a candid remark. Example: “TBH, I didn’t like the food.”
11. LMK – Let Me Know
Meaning: Used to request information. Example: “LMK if you can make it.”
12. BFF – Best Friends Forever
Meaning: Used to describe a close friend. Example: “Hanging out with my BFF today.”
13. G2G – Got To Go
Meaning: Used to end a conversation quickly. Example: “Dinner’s ready, G2G.”
14. RN – Right Now
Meaning: Used to indicate something happening currently. Example: “I’m at the beach RN.”
15. DM – Direct Message
Meaning: Used to refer to private messages. Example: “Send me the details in a DM.”
16. IRL – In Real Life
Meaning: Used to differentiate between online and real life. Example: “We should meet IRL sometime.”
17. ILY – I Love You
Meaning: Used to express affection. Example: “Goodnight, ILY.”
18. Bae – Before Anyone Else
Meaning: Used to refer to a significant other. Example: “Spending the day with my bae.”
19. JK – Just Kidding
Meaning: Used to indicate a joke. Example: “I’m moving to Mars. JK!”
20. IDC – I Don’t Care
Meaning: Used to show indifference. Example: “IDC about the rumors.”
21. NVM – Never Mind
Meaning: Used to retract a statement. Example: “Forget what I said, NVM.”
22. TMI – Too Much Information
Meaning: Used to indicate oversharing. Example: “That’s TMI about your date!”
23. YOLO – You Only Live Once
Meaning: Used to justify a spontaneous action. Example: “I’m skydiving tomorrow, YOLO!”
24. FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out
Meaning: Used to describe anxiety over missing an event. Example: “I have FOMO about the concert.”
25. TBT – Throwback Thursday
Meaning: Used to post nostalgic photos on Thursdays. Example: “Here’s a pic from last summer, TBT.”
26. OOTD – Outfit Of The Day
Meaning: Used to showcase daily outfits. Example: “Check out my OOTD.”
27. HMU – Hit Me Up
Meaning: Used to invite contact. Example: “Free this weekend, HMU.”
28. SRSLY – Seriously
Meaning: Used to emphasize sincerity. Example: “SRSLY, you need to see this.”
29. ICYMI – In Case You Missed It
Meaning: Used to highlight previously shared information. Example: “ICYMI, here’s the link to the article.”
30. IKR – I Know, Right?
Meaning: Used to express agreement. Example: “That was amazing, IKR?”
31. FTW – For The Win
Meaning: Used to express enthusiasm or support. Example: “Pizza FTW!”
32. PPL – People
Meaning: Used to refer to individuals collectively. Example: “PPL are gathering at the park.”
33. PLZ – Please
Meaning: Used to make a polite request. Example: “Can you help me with this, PLZ?”
34. SMDH – Shaking My Damn Head
Meaning: Used to express frustration or disbelief. Example: “You missed the bus again? SMDH.”
35. BAE – Before Anyone Else
Meaning: Used to refer to a significant other. Example: “Dinner with my BAE.”
36. HBD – Happy Birthday
Meaning: Used to wish someone a happy birthday. Example: “HBD! Hope you have a great day.”
37. NBD – No Big Deal
Meaning: Used to downplay a situation. Example: “Don’t worry about it, NBD.”
38. MCM – Man Crush Monday
Meaning: Used to post about a male crush on Mondays. Example: “Here’s my MCM, isn’t he cute?”
39. WCW – Woman Crush Wednesday
Meaning: Used to post about a female crush on Wednesdays. Example: “Shoutout to my WCW!”
40. BF – Boyfriend
Meaning: Used to refer to a male partner. Example: “Having dinner with my BF.”
41. GF – Girlfriend
Meaning: Used to refer to a female partner. Example: “Going on a trip with my GF.”
42. OTP – On The Phone
Meaning: Used to indicate being engaged in a phone conversation. Example: “Can’t talk, I’m OTP.”
43. BFN – Bye For Now
Meaning: Used to end a conversation temporarily. Example: “Gotta run, BFN.”
44. CUL8R – See You Later
Meaning: Used to indicate a future meeting. Example: “I’ll be there soon, CUL8R.”
45. TIA – Thanks In Advance
Meaning: Used to show gratitude before an action is completed. Example: “Can you send me the report? TIA.”
46. ROFL – Rolling On The Floor Laughing
Meaning: Used to indicate something extremely funny. Example: “That joke made me ROFL.”
47. IMHO – In My Humble Opinion
Meaning: Used to express a modest opinion. Example: “IMHO, that was the best movie of the year.”
48. AFAIK – As Far As I Know
Meaning: Used to express limited knowledge. Example: “AFAIK, the event is still on.”
49. AFAIC – As Far As I’m Concerned
Meaning: Used to express a personal perspective. Example: “AFAIC, we should go ahead with the plan.”
50. IDGAF – I Don’t Give A F***
Meaning: Used to show strong indifference. Example: “IDGAF about what they say.”
51. FBO – Facebook Official
Meaning: Used to describe a relationship status update on Facebook. Example: “We’re now FBO!”
52. DND – Do Not Disturb
Meaning: Used to request no interruptions. Example: “Studying for exams, DND.”
53. TTYS – Talk To You Soon
Meaning: Used to end a conversation with the intent to continue later. Example: “Gotta go now, TTYS.”
54. GR8 – Great
Meaning: Used to express something positive. Example: “That sounds GR8!”
55. B4 – Before
Meaning: Used to indicate prior timing. Example: “Let’s meet B4 the movie.”
56. CU – See You
Meaning: Used to indicate a future meeting. Example: “Leaving now, CU at the party!”
57. EZ – Easy
Meaning: Used to describe something simple. Example: “This homework was EZ.”
58. MSG – Message
Meaning: Used to refer to a communication. Example: “Send me a MSG later.”
59. N/A – Not Applicable
Meaning: Used to indicate something doesn’t apply. Example: “Question 5 is N/A.”
60. RLY – Really
Meaning: Used to emphasize something. Example: “Do you RLY think so?”
61. SUP – What’s Up?
Meaning: Used as a casual greeting. Example: “Hey, SUP?”
62. THX – Thanks
Meaning: Used to express gratitude. Example: “THX for helping out.”
63. YW – You’re Welcome
Meaning: Used in response to thanks. Example: “YW, anytime!”
64. WCW – Woman Crush Wednesday
Meaning: Used to showcase admiration for a woman. Example: “Posting my WCW pic.”
65. MCM – Man Crush Monday
Meaning: Used to showcase admiration for a man. Example: “Here’s my MCM pic.”
66. WCW – Woman Crush Wednesday
Meaning: Used to showcase admiration for a woman. Example: “Posting my WCW pic.”
67. GM – Good Morning
Meaning: Used as a morning greeting. Example: “GM, have a great day!”
68. GN – Good Night
Meaning: Used as a nighttime farewell. Example: “Time to sleep, GN.”
69. ILYSM – I Love You So Much
Meaning: Used to express deep affection. Example: “ILYSM, you mean everything to me.”
70. IMU – I Miss You
Meaning: Used to express longing for someone. Example: “IMU already, can’t wait to see you.”
71. IG – Instagram
Meaning: Used to refer to the social media platform. Example: “Check out my latest post on IG.”
72. FT – FaceTime
Meaning: Used to refer to video calls. Example: “Let’s FT later.”
73. TFTI – Thanks For The Invite
Meaning: Used to express gratitude for an invitation. Example: “TFTI to the party, had a blast!”
74. TYT – Take Your Time
Meaning: Used to give someone permission to proceed at their pace. Example: “No rush, TYT with the project.”
75. PAW – Parents Are Watching
Meaning: Used to caution about parental observation. Example: “Can’t talk freely, PAW.”
76. SOS – Someone Over Shoulder
Meaning: Used to warn about someone nearby. Example: “SOS, can’t chat now.”
77. WYD – What You Doing?
Meaning: Used to ask about current activities. Example: “WYD tonight?”
78. SMTH – Something
Meaning: Used to refer to an unspecified thing. Example: “I got you SMTH for your birthday.”
79. TBC – To Be Continued
Meaning: Used to signify an ongoing story or event. Example: “TBC in the next snap.”
80. OMW – On My Way
Meaning: Used to indicate en route. Example: “OMW, be there soon.”
81. BTW – By The Way
Meaning: Used to introduce additional information. Example: “BTW, did you hear about the new movie?”
82. THX – Thanks
Meaning: Used to express gratitude. Example: “THX for the help!”
83. XOXO – Hugs and Kisses
Meaning: Used to express affection. Example: “Miss you, XOXO.”
84. F4F – Follow For Follow
Meaning: Used to request reciprocal social media follows. Example: “F4F on Instagram?”
85. LMFAO – Laughing My F***ing Ass Off
Meaning: Used to express extreme laughter. Example: “That joke had me LMFAO.”
86. LMAO – Laughing My Ass Off
Meaning: Used to express laughter. Example: “Your story was hilarious, LMAO.”
87. STFU – Shut The F*** Up
Meaning: Used to demand silence. Example: “STFU, I’m trying to concentrate.”
88. WTF – What The F***
Meaning: Used to express disbelief or shock. Example: “WTF, why would you do that?”
89. IDGAF – I Don’t Give A F***
Meaning: Used to express strong indifference. Example: “IDGAF about their opinion.”
90. IDC – I Don’t Care
Meaning: Used to express lack of concern. Example: “IDC what they think.”
91. YOLO – You Only Live Once
Meaning: Used to justify risky or spontaneous actions. Example: “Skydiving tomorrow, YOLO!”
92. TBH – To Be Honest
Meaning: Used to introduce a sincere opinion. Example: “TBH, I didn’t like the movie.”
93. FOMO – Fear Of Missing Out
Meaning: Used to describe anxiety about missing events. Example: “I have FOMO about the party.”
94. NM – Not Much
Meaning: Used to indicate little happening. Example: “NM, just chilling.”
95. IK – I Know
Meaning: Used to acknowledge understanding. Example: “IK what you mean.”
96. DGAF – Don’t Give A F***
Meaning: Used to express indifference. Example: “DGAF about their drama.”
97. IKY – I Know You
Meaning: Used to reference familiarity. Example: “IKY, you always do that.”
98. OFC – Of Course
Meaning: Used to express agreement or confirmation. Example: “OFC I’ll be there.”
99. IC – I See
Meaning: Used to indicate understanding. Example: “IC what you’re saying.”
100. J/K – Just Kidding
Meaning: Used to clarify a joke or sarcasm. Example: “J/K, you know I’m teasing.”
These popular Snapchat slangs add a layer of fun and expressiveness to your conversations. Whether you’re chatting with friends or sharing updates, incorporating these terms can enhance your communication on the platform.