WordPress Theme: Advantages of Going Premium - TFOT

WordPress Theme: Advantages of Going Premium


There is no set definition of a ‘Premium Word Press Theme.’ Any word press theme which is not free i.e. you require paying bucks for it is a premium theme. You might think that anybody can design word press themes and label it as premium. Your thought is, undoubtedly, true to some extent but a premium theme, usually, is constructed by highly professional and experienced web designers to target those customers who are consenting to pay for a superior product.

There are plenty of beautiful, appealing and attractive free Word Press themes. Every month several new free Word Press Themes are added to the existing inventory. It is not strange for you to think that when so many captivating free themes are available why in the universe you need to shell out bucks to get a premium theme. You might be surprised but a premium Word Press theme has plenty of advantages and benefits over a free Word Press theme which is detailed below:

Why Prefer Premium Word Press Themes over the Free Ones?

  • Premium Themes are Unique

A lot of hard work goes in designing a quality Word Press theme and these are, usually, of a much superior quality as compared to the free ones. This makes the premium themes unique. So, if you really want your blog to look extraordinary, different and more attractive from other blogs, then, going with a free Word Press theme is not a good idea. It is because there will be a plethora of other websites who might be using the same free theme which you are going to opt for.  

  • Adherence to the Present-Day Web Standards

With technology growing in bounds and leaps the Web Standards keep on changing. Moreover, along with Web Standards, even the Web Browsers that we use to access the internet are constantly evolving in terms of functionality. A majority of the free themes don’t keep up with the changing Web Standards. However, all the premium themes are designed keeping in view the incumbent web standards.

  • Responsive & Respondent Design

People have plenty of devices to access the internet. Smartphones & tablets offer the much-needed convenience to access the internet from anywhere and while on the move. Hence, it is of utmost necessity that your website must be able to respond quickly, no matter what device a visitor might use. Premium themes are always constructed keeping responsiveness in view.

Moreover, if a potential visitor is unable to access your website through his/ her smartphone or tablet; it is highly likely that he/she won’t try to reach out your website through a desktop or laptop. As a result, you lose potential traffic.

  • Making Modifications is Easy

Usually, if you want to make changes to a free Word Press theme you require having some knowledge of PHP, CSS, and HTML. So, if you don’t possess the knowledge of the said languages, making changes to your free Word Press theme would be like visiting hell.

On the other hand premium Word Press themes offer a user interface through which you can make the needed design or formatting changes at the tap of your mouse. This makes modifications highly convenient and less time-consuming.

  • Premium themes are secure

If, due to any reason, you are not downloading a free Word Press theme from the Word Press Free Themes Directory and getting the same from a 3rd party website, there are strong chances of the free theme to be corrupted with some malicious code which may infect, damage and steal essential information from your website.

  • Regular Updates

With every new version of Word Press, the premium themes are updated as well to be compatible with the latest Word Press version. However, you can’t assume the same for free themes. If you choose not to upgrade your Word Press version, as you don’t want to lose your theme, you are bringing in security concerns for your website and making it highly vulnerable to new cyber threats.

Moreover, if you choose a fresh theme, apart from taking a great deal of time in setting it up, the visitors to your website might assume you to be highly inconsistent and as a result chances of losing traffic are always there.

  • Great Support

A free theme designer is not responsible to aid and assist you if you face any kind of problems in the free theme. However, this is not the case with premium designers. A support system for a premium theme always exists and you are able to get working solutions for the problems, which you might be facing, in a quick manner, enabling you to take care of all the issues easily and smoothly.  


If you have decided to go with a premium Word Press theme make sure that you are going with an esteemed, honorable and respectable theme shop for your purchase as not all sources of paid Word Press themes provide the same benefits as described in this post, since, as said at the beginning of this post, anybody can create a paid theme, label it as premium and put it up online.  

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