The federal government reports that more than 3,000 people are killed on America’s roadways each year as a result of distracted driving. As you likely know, using your phone can result in a ticket if you are driving at the ...
How Technology Has Impacted Universities
Today’s university students have it made where education is concerned. One reason this statement is true relates to advances in technology. Theoretically, the modern online student can roll out of bed the morning of a test, study for the exam ...
Automation Is Eliminating The Need For Experts
(Source) As technology advances, humans are finding new and inventive ways to take the hard work out of life. Or rather, a handful of people are working hard so that the rest of the population can have an easier life, ...
How Technology Disrupts and Drives The Automotive Industry
Photo credit Technology sets us apart and puts us at the forefront, and one industry that is definitely embracing automation and robotics readily is the motor industry. Technology has touched every aspect of motoring – from updates to the manufacturing ...
Simple Tech Tools That Will Supercharge Your Content Strategy
While the days of everyone screaming ‘content marketing!’ at the top of their voice are almost a thing of the past, content is still playing a major role in the online marketer’s armory. Simply put, if your business isn’t creating ...
Is Tech Really Helping Us Improve Our Health?
We are seeing boundless leaps in what technology can do for us in every aspect of our lives now. Not just in terms of robotic cars, as well as the infinite amounts of ways that technology is improving communication, of ...
Five Industry Changes That Will Make You Change Your Driving Habits
If you currently have a job that involves driving, you might need to adapt to the changing road conditions every day. Big changes such as self-driving cars and built-in satellite navigation systems are on the way, however, and you will ...
Weight-Loss Technology You Need To Try In 2018
At the time of writing, we are heading into the Christmas season, meaning an abundance of turkey, chocolate and other diet-defeating foods. As 2018 rolls around, weight-loss may well be added to your New Year resolutions, but at any time ...
Advanced Technology, a Blessing or a Curse?
Technology is advancing at an alarming rate In 2007, we hit a major turning point in our technological history. When the iPhone, an innovative piece of glass, plastic and metal launched, it changed the face of personal technology forever. Although ...
Virtually here already: five exciting VR trends to watch for in 2018
Once a gaming novelty, VR has stepped from the game room to the boardroom, and is seemingly intent on changing the landscape everywhere in between. By all accounts, 2018 will be the year VR becomes more than a buzzword. Why ...