

6 Reasons Why You Need To Wear A Smartwatch

6 Reasons Why You Need To Wear A Smartwatch

Smartwatch devices are now the newest gift of modern technology in the tech market. These gadgets were created to execute basic functions because they have phone-like features and are powerful enough to operate just like mini computers. The main concept ...

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In Case you Forgot: Your Smartwatch can still get Hacked

In Case you Forgot: Your Smartwatch can still get Hacked

Photo by Pixabay from Pexels When any new technology is introduced, the first thing that happens is people try to hack it. Whether that means deconstructing it and putting it back together so it has different or additional functions, trying to get around ...

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A Smartwatch App to Monitor Your Sleep

A Smartwatch App to Monitor Your Sleep

Researchers in Germany have been working on a smartwatch app that can monitor the user sleep habits, analyzing sleep movements and helping doctors diagnosing and treating people with sleeping problems. Sleep laboratories have expensive equipment and skilled team which monitors ...

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