

A Smartwatch App to Monitor Your Sleep

A Smartwatch App to Monitor Your Sleep

Researchers in Germany have been working on a smartwatch app that can monitor the user sleep habits, analyzing sleep movements and helping doctors diagnosing and treating people with sleeping problems. Sleep laboratories have expensive equipment and skilled team which monitors ...

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Scientists Discover Sleep REM Disorder Mechanism

Scientists Discover Sleep REM Disorder Mechanism

Researchers from the University of Toronto discovered how two powerful brain chemical systems work together to paralyze muscles during REM sleep. This finding may help scientists better understand and treat sleep disorders, including narcolepsy, tooth grinding and might even shed ...

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Sleeping after you Learn will Help you Remember

Sleeping after you Learn will Help you Remember

Professor Jessica Payne from the (Credit: Notre Dame Department of Psychology) Leran – Sleep (Credit: University of Notre Dame) Researchers from the University of Notre Dame discovered that going to sleep after learning new information might be the best way ...

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Jawbone Creates Up to Improve Health

Jawbone Creates Up to Improve Health

Accessory company Jawbone recently revealed their latest creation. “Up,” a hardware and software system that tracks the eating, sleeping, and movements of its wearers, gives them a picture of their overall health. The wristband is about the same size and ...

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Starvation Keeps Sleep – Deprived Fly Brain Sharp

A team of researchers from Washington University, St. Louis, found that starvation allows the need for nourishment to push aside the need for sleep. Their study, conducted on fruit flies, shows that while long-term deprivation of food leads to death, ...

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Biological Clock Operate on a 24-hour Cycle?

Biological Clock Operate on a 24-hour Cycle?

Scientists at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel, have recently found the way in which our biological system knows to operate on a 24-hour cycle. This discovery, in the form of a single tiny molecule, holds the clue to the ...

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Phoenix – 30 Picowatts Chip

Phoenix – 30 Picowatts Chip

Researchers at the University of Michigan have developed a low-power microchip which uses 30,000 times less power in sleep mode and 10 times less in active mode than similar chips now on the market. Named the Phoenix Processor, it is ...

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Glo Pillow – Waking Up With the Sunrise

Glo Pillow – Waking Up With the Sunrise

Eoin McNally and Ian Walton, two industrial designers based in Ireland, teamed up to create the Glo Pillow. In this project, they invented a pleasant alternative to the conventional alarm clock. Alarm clocks can wake us abruptly at any stage ...

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Don’t Sleep Too Much – It Might Kill You

Don’t Sleep Too Much –  It Might Kill You

Researchers report that sleep deprivation can double the chances of dying from a cardiovascular event. However, too much sleep appears to be even more dangerous for us, more than doubling the likelihood of dying from other causes. In a research ...

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