

The Gadgets You Will Use In An Electric Future

The Gadgets You Will Use In An Electric Future

Popular culture is constantly making predictions about the future, but unfortunately, it’s never as cool as the movies. For example, you only have to watch ‘Back to the Future’ to wish we had some of those amazing gadgets, like hoverboards, ...

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Harvard Scientists Quench Flames using Electricity

Harvard Scientists Quench Flames using Electricity

For many years the only way to fight fire was water. Then cComes the 20’th century and special foams and powders which are somewhat more effective but are used in a fundamentally similar fashion – hose, bucket or pressurized container, ...

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Human-Electric Hybrid Car

Human-Electric Hybrid Car

HumanCar Inc. recently presented an innovative hybrid vehicle. Unlike most vehicles that have two power sources, this one combines electric power…with human power! Using mechanical cranks, up to four people can power it and steer it around. The manufacturer hopes ...

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Green Electric Scooters

Green Electric Scooters

MyGoPet, an Oregon-based company, has introduced an innovative, personal vehicle named GoPet, which is powered solely by electricity, thus making it a convenient green transportation solution. Although the GoPet is similar to scooters it has three wheels and thanks to ...

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Shelby Ultimate Aero Electric Car

Shelby Ultimate Aero Electric Car

Shelby Super Cars (SSC) – a Washington-based manufacturer of high-end sports cars, has recently released the details of its “All-Electric Scalable Powertrain” (AESP) technology, which the company says will be incorporated into their flagship Ultimate Aero (UA) vehicle. The UA ...

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Toshiba Speedy Recharge Battery

Toshiba Speedy Recharge Battery

Engineers at Toshiba have developed batteries that can be recharged to 90% of their capacity with a current as large as 50 amperes (A) in less than five minutes. Mr. Toshiharu Watanabe, Corporate Vice President of Toshiba Corporation and Chief ...

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Intel’s Wireless Power Technology Demonstrated

Intel claims it has improved the efficiency of a method for powering devices wirelessly. Intel’s “Wireless Energy Resonant Link” (WREL), technology was demonstrated by transmitting electricity wirelessly to a lamp on stage and lighting a 60 watt bulb, which consumes ...

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