We invoke you to use the best research paper help and write an excellent paper. Nevertheless, we want to focus your attention on the other interesting issue. Arm yourself with patience. Have you ever thought about how everything we eat ...
Global Weather Conditions Interactive Visualization
This up-to-date visualization uses Vector and raster map data from Natural Earth, to artfully depict weather conditions around the globe. With updated weather forecasts, you can actually view the various waves and currents that are taking place globally. It is ...
Was Venus Once a Habitable Planet?
A new study, published by the European Space Agency (ESA), reports that the planet Venus might have had some oceans in its distant past. Although nowadays Earth and Venus seem very different, it is possible that in the past they ...
Ribbon at Edge of Solar System
Researchers at Los Alamos National Laboratory in Las Alamos, New Mexico have discovered a ribbon of solar material collected at the very edge of the solar system. The High Energy Neutral Atom Imager on NASA’s Interstellar Boundary Explorer (IBEX) has ...
Earth’s Atmosphere Came From Outer Space
A joint team of researchers, from the University of Manchester and the University of Houston, has discovered that the gases which formed the Earth’s atmosphere and its oceans probably come from outer space. Their recently published report challenges traditional theories ...
Herschel Crater on Mimas of Saturn
Mimas, one of the smaller round moons of Saturn, sports Herschel crater, one of the larger impact craters in the entire Solar System. The robotic Cassini spacecraft now orbiting Saturn took the above image of Herschel crater in unprecedented detail ...
Avatar’s Moon Pandora Could Be Real
NASA’s Kepler mission has excited the imagination of many astronomers, when it showed recently the potential to detect Earth-sized objects and habitable moons. In a new paper, researcher from the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics suggests that stellar objects could have ...
How Saturn’s Moon Got Its Stripes
Researchers from the University of Melbourne have revealed the origins of tiger stripes and a subsurface ocean on Enceladus, one of Saturn’s many moons. In addition to explaining these geological features, the study sheds light on the evolution of planets ...
Supercomputer Models Earth’s Early Interior
Researchers at the University of California at Davis are modeling the early interior of the Earth using supercomputers. These models show the distribution of four different types of iron at the point when magma crystallized into its solid form 4.5 ...
The Magnetic Sun-Earth Connection
A Goddard Space Flight Center physicist and other researchers have revealed more about the sun-earth connection via a magnetic portal. Earth’s magnetosphere is full of particles from the sun, and now it seems they arrive in flux transfer events occurring ...