Artificial Intelligence (AI) makes it possible for machines to learn from experience. It can adjust to new input and even perform tasks similar to the way humans can. Some examples of AI that you’re probably familiar with include self-driving cars ...
Worried About AI? Don’t Be; It Isn’t Fully Autonomous Yet
One of our generation’s most formidable yet least understood areas of technology is machine learning, which makes the basis of today’s artificial intelligence (AI). As a technological breakthrough, it is defining the way we program, interact with and benefit from ...
How AI is Beating Humanity at Its Own Game
There’s a lot of concern surrounding artificial intelligence (which is often known as AI). Some people are worried it could take on jobs humans might have otherwise done, and no one really knows how the technology could develop in years ...
How Technology will Shape the Future of Business
“Technology is in a continuous state of development and upgrade, so there is no wonder why it influences all the industries existent out there. Businesses already adopted many changes that entirely modified the way some tasks are being handled, and ...
AI in Trading: Reality or Myth
In the near future, most workplaces are predicted to be occupied by robots. Even today, it’s hard to underestimate artificial intelligence, especially in the trading sector. With AI-powered platforms, traders can significantly increase their capabilities handling huge amounts of data ...
What Is The Future of SEO And How Can You Adapt?
The future of SEO is nigh, and while this may seem like an intimidating statement for those who are stuck in the old ways, it is, unfortunately, happening faster than any of us could have ever imagined. With the integration ...
Artificial Intelligence And Education
Today, we frequently hear the term artificial intelligence. Furthermore, we experience its benefits in our everyday life, but how does it influence the educational system? Can AI improve its quality and boost the productivity of college or university students? Several ...
Top Digital Trends To Look Forward To In 2018
The only thing that is constant is change. For the technology industry, this nugget of knowledge cannot be any truer. Ever since the dawn of the first computer, scientist, engineers, and innovators have been pushing the boundaries of what we ...
The Future of Customer Service Technology
Great customer service is not optional. If you don’t look after your customers, they will not stay loyal to your brand. It really is that simple. A 2013 American Express survey discovered that 53% of customers experienced similar feelings to ...
How AI Can Overcome Planet’s Challenges: 5 Ways How Artificial Intelligence May Help to Save the Planet
People are often quick to link artificial intelligence with the future of every industry including technology, medicine, and science. For most scientists, there is a common belief that the answer lies in data mining through the information we have already ...