Over the last few years there has been a real boom in smart-home products, which means today, millions of people have gadgets in their home which are connected to the internet. From lights and ovens which can be turned off ...
Smart Alarm Systems: Gadgets That Protect Your Home
We live in an era where we are connected as never before. Our smartphones allow us unprecedented access to almost anything. That connection also extends to the protection of our homes; we no longer worry about whether we ‘left the ...
Bird-Like Drone Actually Perches To Spy
Drones have been used by the military ever since they were able to make full use of the technology to do so. However, current drones are limited by how they position themselves to look at their target. Development of bird-like ...
SR-72 – the Hypersonic Spy Plane is Coming
Defense contractor Lockheed Martin recently announced plans to developed the SR72 – a hypersonic unmanned aircraft that would be the successor to the famous SR71 BlackBird long-range reconnaissance aircraft developed in the 1960’s. The new aircraft will be able to ...
New Laser Identifies Materials from a Mile Away
Joseph Meola of Air Force Research Labs conducting measurements on laser light bounced back from various samples placed a mile away on the ground from a prototype laser at Wright Patterson Air Force Base. Image credit: Anthony Absi, Air Force ...
DARPA Wants a New X-plane that can Hover
DARPA’s new X-plane VTOL illustration Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) announced earlier this week that it is interested in developing an experimental program that will be able to take off and hover like a helicopter but fly like an ...
BioExplorers: Mice Bomb Sniffing Technology
Mice used as a bomb detector – Bioexplorers Israeli start-up named BioExplorers developed a technology which uses mice to detect explosives which could be used for homeland security improving safety in airports and border crossings. The new system should go ...
U.S. Military Wants Crysis like Smart Suits
Ilustration of the future bio-super suit (Credit: Wyss Institute) The Pentagon’s Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) recently awarded 2.6 million dollars to the Wyss Institute for Biologically Inspired Engineering at Harvard University in order to develop a smart suit ...
Who Needs Spiderman? Vacuum Ascender is Here
The Vacuum Ascender in action A team of Utah State University engineering students designed a new system for special operations force capable of allowing a person climb flat buildings using vacuum technology. The system already received first place in the ...
Drone Crash in Pakistan Ignites Citizen Questions
SmartBird drone designed by the engineers at Festo and modeled explicitly on the herring gull (Source Wired.com) The strange birdlike drone that crashed to the parched earth in a remote section of Pakistan early last week is now safely in ...