FIT medical sensing shirt (Credit: Maxim Integrated) California based company Maxim Integrated recently announced a model for a vital signs monitoring shirt. The T-shirt is able to measures 3-lead ECG, body temperature, and motion and report record this information wirelessly ...
Disciplined and observational study of the natural world including, but not limited to: Biology, Physics, Chemistry, and Earth Science.
Pain Free Drug Delivery Using Ultrasound
How the technology works Engineers working for MIT developed a new way which increases the permeability of the skin allowing for new, novel ways of injecting drugs without the use of a needle. Researchers at MIT working with Ultrasound (sound ...
New Spray will Stop Bananas from Spoiling
Bananas Spoiling (Credit: TheTimeLapseGuys) Researchers from the Tianjin University of Science and Technology in China successfully developed a method extending the shelf life of bananas after they are picked. For the first time a special coating will be able to ...
New: a Personal Vegetable Factory
Agri-Cube – an inside look Agri-Cube – an illustration One of Japan’s largest construction companies – Daiwa House recently introduced a line of ready-made hydroponic vegetable units called Agri-Cube, intended for hotels and restaurants the unit might also be suitable ...
New: Super Chocolate – Half the Fat, Same Taste
Dr. Stefan Bon’s “Super Chocolate” (Credit: University of Warwick) Scientists from the University of Warwick in the U.K. have found a way to replace up to 50% of the fat content of chocolate with fruit juice. No less important – ...
Hyginex Bracelet will keep Hospitals Germ Free
Hyginex bracelet and system Each year almost 100,000 people in the U.S. alone dies due to healthcare-associated infections (HAIs). Many of those could have been avoided if proper hygiene regulations have been followed more carefully by hospital stuff. To counter ...
Proteus – the e-Pill that will Monitor Your Health
Proteus Digital Health e-Pill California based company Proteus Digital Health recently received FDA clearance for its unique tiny ingestible sensor. The sensor will transmit information about the user vital signs as well as how well they handles their prescribed medication ...
Music Glove Helps Paralyzed Patients
The MMT on the hand (Credit: Georgia Tech) Researchers from Georgia Tech created a wireless, “musical glove” that can improve sensation and motor skills for people with paralyzing spinal cord injury (or SCI). Although not the subject of the current ...
Cornell’s Terahertz Chip Can Detect Skin Cancer
Researchers from Cornell University have developed a novel method of generating terahertz signals using an inexpensive silicon chip. This new method has a broad range of potential applications including ones in medical imaging, security and wireless data transfer. Terahertz radiation ...
Scientists Discover Sleep REM Disorder Mechanism
Researchers from the University of Toronto discovered how two powerful brain chemical systems work together to paralyze muscles during REM sleep. This finding may help scientists better understand and treat sleep disorders, including narcolepsy, tooth grinding and might even shed ...