

Whiskers-like Sense for Humans under Development

The following study will definitely go up high on the strange research list. Scientists from the Weizmann Institute in Israel decided to add whiskers as an extra sense to human subjects in order to try and better understand how the ...

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Scientists Discover Sleep REM Disorder Mechanism

Scientists Discover Sleep REM Disorder Mechanism

Researchers from the University of Toronto discovered how two powerful brain chemical systems work together to paralyze muscles during REM sleep. This finding may help scientists better understand and treat sleep disorders, including narcolepsy, tooth grinding and might even shed ...

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Stimulating Muscle Growth

Stimulating Muscle Growth

A leg extension machine used to work the muscles of the lower body. Source: George Stepanek. Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada have determined that muscle fatigue and not the amount of weight involved is the critical factor ...

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Salamanders as an Ecological Indicator

The world’s smallest salamander, pictured here next to a dime, is found in Georgia. (photo courtesy UGA) The California Tiger Salamander is on the verge of extinction (photo courtesy National Geographic Society) Ranging from the tiny Patch-Nosed Salamander with adults ...

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Laurie O’Keefe-Ant Insect Society

Laurie O’Keefe-Ant Insect Society

The profession of medical and biological illustration is an elite one, with very few members. Of those at the top of their game is Laurie O’Keefe, who created the image featured this week, “Ant Insect Society.” Ms. O’Keefe has a ...

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Herpes Virus Holds New Hope for Gene Therapy

Herpes Virus Holds New Hope for Gene Therapy

Peter O’Hare PhD – Research Director Protein Trafficking and Gene Regulation Laboratory – Marie Curie Institute Scientists at the Marie Curie Institute in Surrey, England have developed a method of disbursement of therapeutic genetic material via fusion to the herpes ...

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Canine Genome Research

Researchers at Stanford University in Palo Alto, California and elsewhere determined that a relatively small number of DNA regions control a large portion of the physical differences between various breeds of dogs. The scientists hope that further study of these ...

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The Next Step in Evolution?

The Next Step in Evolution?

Scientist from Radboud University, the Netherlands, recently published an article describing a new evolutionary model. While this study relies on Darwin’s familiar writings, this approach differs by suggesting a new hierarchy, allowing scientists to partially predict the next step in ...

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RNA Used to Reprogram Cells

RNA Used to Reprogram Cells

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in Cambridge, Massachusetts developed a new method for reprogramming human skin cells into other cells. Their method delivers the necessary genes using messenger RNA instead of the viruses currently used in skin cell ...

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Insights on Healthy Aging

Insights on Healthy Aging

Researchers from Harvard University have uncovered a biological mechanism that affects aging greatly. Their study shows that caloric restriction and exercise delay some of the debilitating effects of aging by rejuvenating the connections between nerves and the muscles that they ...

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