
Green Tech

Silicon Supercapacitor to Replace your Battery

Silicon Supercapacitor to Replace your Battery

Assistant Professor Cary Pint (Joe Howell / Vanderbilt Researchers from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee developed a new technology that has the potential to revolutionizing the way we store energy. By creating the first useable supercapacitor made out of silicon they ...

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Radically New Method for Producing Hydrogen from Water

Radically New Method for Producing Hydrogen from Water

Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder developed a radically new technique which can fuel a sustainable green economy with nothing more than sunlight and water by producing clean hydrogen gas. The University of Colorado team new technique uses sunlight ...

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In Development – Wallpaper Sensors

In Development – Wallpaper Sensors

From left: Professors James Sturm, Naveen Verma and Sigurd Wagner draw on a wide range of expertise to build complex electronic devices on thin plastic sheets. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski) Researchers at Princeton University have created ultra-thin radios which can ...

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Seeing Through Walls Using… WIFI

Seeing Through Walls Using… WIFI

Wi-Vi demo (Credit: MIT) It might not be Superman’s X-ray vision, but researchers from MIT are working on a technology which could track humans moving behind walls using inexpensive WIFI technology. Several companies have been working on developing technologies that ...

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Wind Power Without Wind

Wind Power Without Wind

Diagram of the phere (Creditt: Alexander Slocum MIT) In recent years more an more offshore wind farm projects have been emerging all over the world. Although many of them are capable of producing large amounts of power, depending on the ...

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