From a stack of aerial photographs, snapped by unmanned drones, then transformed into a patchwork that can be utilized for 3D models, the world of cloud computing just got a little higher and more accessible to the masses. (Source: EPFL). ...
Photosmith – Perfect iPad- Lightroom Tool
Photosmith is photo app for iPad aimed for both amateur and professional photographers and aimed at helping to organize photos. The app can communicate with Lightroom and make carrying a laptop on the go unnecessary in many situations. Photosmith Adobe’s ...
Adobe multitouch Photoshop SDK for iPad
After several preliminary demonstrations Adobe released today an SDK (software package for Developers) which consists of 3 applications for iPad. Eazel, Nav and Lava are new tools that should allow future users of iPad to enhance their Photoshop experience by ...
Computer Scientists Build ‘Pedestrian Remover’
Scientists from the University of California, San Diego are developing a computer system capable of removing pedestrians from Google Street View images. Their innovative software will easily manipulate photos, taking lively streets and showing them as if they were empty. ...
Self Repairing Software
Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and the University of Washington are developing self repairing software capable of locating and fixing certain types of bugs within minutes of the introduction of the problem. Their current focus is on preventing ...
Google Chrome OS-based Netbook Specs Are Out
According to rumors, Google netbook, which is based on the Chrome OS, features impressive technical specifications, placing it among the elite netbooks available today. Although the specs are currently subject to speculations, many websites have already given publicity to these ...
Windows 7 RC1 Brings Scores of Enhancements
Since releasing Microsoft Windows 7 Beta, the team at Microsoft has toiled through thousands of pieces user feedback over the past two months to fix an estimated 2,000 bugs with the Beta version. In the next evolution, the Beta version ...
Boot Up in Seconds with gOS Cloud
The software company Good OS recently announced its upcoming operating system called “Cloud” that can boot into a Google, Yahoo!, or Live browser in seconds. The company, which is known for its gOS Linux which debuted on Wal-Mart computers, revealed ...
Explore Mars with Google Mars
Google, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA), and scientists at Arizona State University (ASU) have collaborated to create Google Mars. Google Mars includes three different views: elevation, visible, and infrared. The elevation view is a shaded relief map using ...
Russia to Develop a National OS?
Russia is on its way to developing a Linux-based alternative to Windows, which, according to the Russian news agency “CNews,” is expected to replace operating systems nationwide. The initiative was first proposed by Ilia Ponomarev, chairman of the Subcommittee for ...