A while back TFOT wrote about a new form of journalism that was based on content dug up from the depths of the deep web. Vocativ, the emerging news site that delves deeper prefers to reach farther than search engines and mainstream media choose to go for their content.
As a matter of fact, while Google seems to have its hand in everything these days and appears to be the “be all end all” go to place for searching information, it (and fellow search engines) only scratch a mere 4% of all web content. This means that the other 96% of www content remains uncrawled and “invisible”.
Due to the anonymity provided by the “deep web” it has been known to be used for nefarious activities such as the “ebay of illegal drugs” the silk road. Although it may be a hub for such illicit activities it is also a huge storage vault of priceless information.
We would like to take you down the rabbit hole and shed light on this deep and invisible web. Here is a comprehensive info-graphic to help get you on your way exploring a little deeper: