Seene - 3D Realistic Images with your iPhone in a Snap - TFOT

Seene – 3D Realistic Images with your iPhone in a Snap

Seene – 3D demo
London based startup Obvious Engineering recently released a mobile iOS app that can easily and quickly create a 3D effect image based of several images take from the camera of your mobile device resulting in a unique life-like image.
There are endless number of apps around, but every once in a while comes one which really blows your mind. One such up is Seene – a small little photo app which uses the camera of your mobile device to take several consecutive shots which also captures the depth and shape information of what you’re looking at, just like the human eye, which allows you to capture the world in 3D.
The technology behind Seene isn’t new of course (it uses parallax to establish its location and when you move your mobile device it uses that info to estimate the depth of your subject based on the changes
Seene wants to become the next instagram, or at least this is the impression we got from looking at the list of features stated by its developers which focus heavily on the social side:
  • Share instantly on Seene, Twitter, and Facebook.
  • View seenes on your phone or the web.
  • Find, follow, and interact with other Seene users.
Although the newly released Seene app isn’t perfect (the 3D effect doesn’t work the same way on any subject and any background), results are pretty cool and the technology id definitely fun to play with. One of the nicest features is the integration with the iPhone accelerometer allowing you to move the phone in order to move the image.
Seene – 3D demo

Obvious Engineering have been working on several other advanced computer vision based technologies including augmented reality (AR) developer kit for advertising, games and other applications. As with the 3D app – this isn’t something which we didn’t see before but it does see, to be well made and AR is set out to be one of the fastest evolving fields in the next few years, especially with the upcoming introduction of the Google Glass.

Augmented reality demo

You can find more information on the Obvious Engineering website and can download the iOS app for free from itunes (currently no Android version is available).

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