
5 Effective Ways To Use A Window Breaker Tool In Emergencies

Road accidents can happen anytime, and using a window breaker tool could be the difference between escape and tragedy. 

In the USA alone, around 42,514 fatal car accidents happened in 2022. So, it’s critical for everyone to know how to get out of a vehicle during emergencies.

If you don’t know how to use a vehicle window breaker tool the right way, we are here to help. 

In this guide, we’ll tell you about five different ways to use these tools.

Let’s start by covering the safety precautions!

Safety First: Always Stay Calm and Assess the Situation

Image source: Unsplash 

If your vehicle’s doors are jammed or the situation needs an immediate escape, you’ll have no other option but to use a window breaker tool. However, you need to handle this tool with extreme care. 

Here’s what you must keep in mind while working with a window breaker tool:

  • Before buying a window breaker tool, know your car inside and out. Figure out the quickest way to get out of your car and choose the tool that fits best.
  • Practice using your escape tool so that you won’t panic if you ever need to use it. It may sound weird, but we all know that practice makes us perfect, and we can’t do that during an emergency.
  • If your car’s doors are jammed, stay calm. Check for smoke, fire, or water before you work with your tool. This way, you’ll know which window is best to get out and which is not.
  • Kids and the elderly need extra care. Make sure they are safe before you go all hammers.
  • Finally, don’t depend on an age-old tool that you almost forgot about. Keep cleaning and checking your emergency tools and gear to ensure their safety. 

After all, you want your tools to be ready for emergencies, right?

How To Use Window Breaker Tool In Emergency

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There are many different kinds of escape tools on the market, and there are plenty of benefits to window breakers, as explained in a study by AAA. So, it’s a pretty good safety investment, but only if you know how to use it correctly. 

So, here are five different ways you can escape using these tools during an emergency.

1. Breaking Side Windows with a Traditional Hammer-Style Tool

The hammer-style window breaker is probably the tool most people think of. It’s designed to shatter tempered glass, which is what you’ll find in your car’s side windows. To use it:

  • Aim for the edge of the window, where the glass is the weakest.
  • Hit with a quick, strong motion, making sure the hammer strikes at an angle.
  • Once the glass breaks, push out the remaining shards with the hammer to make a safe exit.

2. Breaking a Window with a Spring-Loaded Punch

If swinging a hammer isn’t your thing, a spring-loaded window punch might be better. It’s small, powerful, and easy to use.

  • Press the pointy end of the punch against the glass, ideally near a corner.
  • The spring will do the rest, delivering a strong enough punch to shatter the window instantly.
  • After the glass breaks, clear out the shards and get out safely.

3. Using a Window Breaker to Cut the Seat Belt

Sometimes, a jammed seat belt is the first hurdle you’ll face. This is where a combo tool wins the game. It combines a window breaker with a seat belt cutter. There’s a hammerhead that can break through side windows and a razor-sharp blade to cut through a stuck seat belt.

  • First, use the seat belt cutter to free yourself.
  • Then, switch to the hammer and break the side window to make your escape.

Remember, picking a multi-use window breaker tool is always best for maximum safety.

4. Breaking a Sunroof or Rear Window

If the side windows are blocked or you’re underwater, your next best option might be the sunroof or rear window. These are also made of tempered glass, but they can be a bit trickier to break because of their angle.

  • Use your hammer-style breaker or spring-loaded punch, aiming for the edges of the glass.
  • If you’re underwater, wait for the pressure inside and outside the car to equalize before you try to break the window.
  • Once the window is broken, exit as quickly and safely as possible.

5. Dealing with Laminated Glass

Laminated glass is tough, and some cars have it on their side windows, making it harder to break. If you’re dealing with laminated glass:

  • Use your tool to start cracking the glass, focusing on one spot. A center punch tool works well here.
  • Keep applying pressure or hitting the spot until the layers start to separate.
  • Once you see a crack or hole, work on widening it enough to push through and get out.

Final Thoughts: Be Prepared, Stay Empowered

Emergencies are unpredictable, and as an adult, you must know how to keep yourself and your loved ones safe and sound during an emergency. 

A multi-purpose, good-quality window breaker tool is a smart safety investment. Make sure you know your vehicle well, then explore different tools, familiarize yourself with their features, and pick the right one. 

Finally, be safe, try using it beforehand, and keep your emergency tool in good shape.

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