5 Reasons Why You Should Convert Word To PDF - TFOT

5 Reasons Why You Should Convert Word To PDF

Image by Esa Riutta from Pixabay

After growing used to the smartphones, computers, applications, and other technologies that dominate the modern world, very few people would be willing to return to a tech-free life. An essential part of using these technologies is file management. Countless professionals use Microsoft Word on a daily basis to collaborate with coworkers, view confidential company files, and more. Although it’s popular, you should hesitate to keep Microsoft Word documents in the .docx file extension. PDFs are far superior to Microsoft Word documents.

Microsoft Word Isn’t Accepted by All Operating Systems

It’s true that Microsoft is the world’s most popular operating system. More than three-quarters of all desktop computers use Microsoft. macOS comes in second place, which is followed by Linux.

Even though Microsoft is recognized as the world’s leading operating system, macOS and Linux are readily accepted as alternatives. Many consumers and professionals, for example, opt for MacBooks and iMacs as personal computers.

Apple products may struggle to open Microsoft Word documents. Unlike .docx files, PDFs are accepted by all computers, smartphones, and other devices.

PDFs Hold Their Format Well

Admittedly, Apple users are usually able to transfer .docx files into other file extensions on their MacBooks and iMacs. However, these converted files might not look good after they’ve been converted.

PDFs always hold their formatting, fonts, and other characteristics no matter how they’re opened. No other widely accepted file extensions hold their formatting like PDFs do.

When your professional reputation, well-being, or income is on the line, you should never be willing to look bad. Although it’s okay to create documents using Microsoft Word, sharing these documents with others leaves you vulnerable to a poor reputation. Storing your documents in PDF form will always protect your formatting and reputation.

Microsoft Word Documents Don’t Have Great Security

When Microsoft Word documents are shared online, unscrupulous users can dive through EXIF data and other historical data to find information that you wouldn’t want to share with anyone.

This is especially true when sharing Microsoft Word documents with people who you don’t trust. Even if you think you can trust the people who have access to your documents, converting your files to PDFs before sending them is the only way to ensure your personal information stays safe.

Microsoft Word Files Take Up More Space Than PDFs

Yet another benefit of PDFs is how little room they take up. Thanks to their small size, you can store more PDFs on your hard drive than Microsoft Word documents.

This small size means you can share PDFs with others faster than you could with Microsoft Word files.

Although the internet is full of free tools to convert word to PDF, downloading a dedicated conversion application is far superior to continually using free online tools. Adobe Acrobat, for example, is one of the most popular dedicated PDF management programs. It includes a full suite of tools to edit, create, share, manage, and print PDF files.

Regardless of which file conversion tool you settle on, make sure you can trust it. Get in the habit of using it regularly. If you don’t, you might end up in a sticky situation.

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