Despite the rapid uptake of cloud-based technologies and file-sharing applications in businesses and homes around the world, printing continues to play an important role in all of our lives. In recent years, we have seen some huge advancements in printer technology. These developments have made printing more accessible, more affordable, and ultimately easier to do for just about anyone who wishes to take advantage of these technologies.
Developments in printing technology this century alone have only helped to reinforce printings importance and usefulness in our daily lives. The quality of prints has improved significantly, printing times are quicker than ever and advanced machines, such as the range of modern HP printers, can be connected to with ease. Whether you are printing at home, at your business premises or for commercial purposes, printing has become more efficient, more accessible and more affordable than it ever has been before, and the future looks bright.
Let’s take a look at some of the most important developments in printing in the 21st century.
3D Printing
Just the idea of being able to print in 3D was something served for the world of sci-fi movies until quite recently. The development of 3D printing technology has arguably been one of the biggest advancements in printing in recent years. 3D printing allows users to create three-dimensional functional shapes and solid objects from a single digital file. It has seen huge success in various industries such as fashion, health, food and architecture, to name a few. As 3D printing continues to advance, it will be interesting to see the impact of this technology moving forward.
Voice Control
In recent years, voice control technology has become increasingly popular in homes and businesses around the world. AI technologies such as Google Assistant, Siri and Alexa have become household names over the last number of years. These technologies allow users to connect with wireless printers with ease. Having the ability to speak to your device and send files to your office or home printer allow for users to be more efficient than in the past. Instead of searching for the file, opening your printing software and going through the usual process, you can simply tell your favourite AI technology to do it for you.
Compatible Cartridges
While just a few short years ago, printer cartridges were designed to be used with specific makes and models, nowadays, there are more alternative options available. Remanufactured and compatible printer cartridges offer users a more affordable option when it comes to purchasing printer ink. This development has made printing more accessible to people and less expensive than in the past.
More Sustainable Ink Options
Although we are still waiting for printer ink that is 100% free of chemicals and non-renewable industry, there have been a lot of advancements in this area in recent years. While back in the 1970’s most inks were petroleum-based, nowadays, there are more sustainable ink choices for consumers. With more of a focus on green practices, there has been an increase in vegetable, soy, and water-based ink, rather than solvent-based. Offering consumers with more environmentally-friendly printing products will help to reduce waste, print more efficiently and lower our carbon footprint in the process. With more focus on sustainability and the health of the planet, developments in sustainable printing could be one of the most important advancements for the future.
The Future Of Printing Looks Bright
Printing has come a long way since the Chinese first began with woodblock printing back in the 6th century. From there to the invention of the printing process by Johannes Gutenberg in 1440, printing has undergone a huge transformation to what we know today. With so many major advancements in printing over the last number of years, it’s exciting to think about what the future might hold for printing technology. Printing is expected to continue to play an important role in our modern lives, especially as printing continues to becomes even more accessible and cost-effective to businesses and individuals all around the world.