The Most Discussed News Among Students 2018 - TFOT

The Most Discussed News Among Students 2018

Nowadays people use social media a lot. Sometimes the usage of social media is beyond the limit. Especially the young generation passes their valuable time on social media. But in 2018 we could learn that social media is not a safe place after the controversy of Facebook. As students use Facebook a lot this was a wild spread news among them in 2018.

In case you donā€™t know what Facebook is or canā€™t remember it, I will explain it to you. Facebook is a social media and social networking based company.  In fact, it is considered the number one social media with over 2.19 billion users.

Facebookā€™s Cambridge Analytica Controversy shocked the whole world at the beginning of 2018. Today I will try to explain what was exactly happened and why students discussed this news most.

Facebookā€™s Cambridge Analytica Controversy  

Facebook was established in 2004. From the beginning of Facebook, it tried to enhance the social connectivity. But it was controversial from the beginning due to the security of user data. But Facebook always denied the insecurity of the userā€™s data. At last in 2018 people got chance to know the reality and the reality was very shocking. Facebookā€™s business policy is based on the data you provide. It actually uses data mining system and by using those data Facebook provides the ad to your news feed. There is a news that Facebook sold around 90 million users data to Cambridge Analytica.

Before knowing the detail, you need to know what Cambridge Analytica is?

Cambridge Analytica and Its Scandal          

Cambridge Analytica is a political analysis firm that claims to build psychological profiles of voters to help its clients to win elections. Cambridge Analytica is accused of buying millions of American userā€™s data for the academic purpose. Facebook allowed Aleksandr Kogan, a psychology professor at the University of Cambridge who owns a company called Global Science Research and allowed him to harvest data from users. For doing this Kogan introduced an app to the Facebook users. According to the rules of Facebook Koganā€™s app got access to those userā€™s interests, personal information, political views and about their Facebook friends as well. As result, Cambridge Analytica send manipulated news to those Facebook users to help Trump to win the election. Isnā€™t it alarming?

Facebookā€™s Statement

Although at the beginning of this controversy Facebook denied the fact. Also, Facebook VP said API was tightly controlled and used for a good reason! After a while, Zuckerberg admitted that Facebook made mistakes and said that Facebook failed to protect the userā€™s data.

Further, he said he and his company will investigate all the apps from now to ensure the data security of the users. Facebookā€™s Chief Operating Officer Sheryl Sandberg said that they are really sorry for what actually happened and added that Facebook will start to ban those developers who misuse the personal information userā€™s and she also ensured users that it will not happen in the future.


The Reasons of Being Most Discussed News Among Students

The users of Facebook are mainly with an age of between 18 to 30 and most of them are students. As they share all kinds of information like what they like, the address of their residence, where they like o visit and what kind of foods they like etc. If you want to study about oneā€™s character, then you donā€™t need to perform so much hassle, just simply follow oneā€™s Facebook account or for a better result, if you can extract information from Facebook you will be able to say what he will do next perfectly. As students use Facebook more they become secured after the news. People make it more popular by starting a new campaign like #DeleteFacebook (hashtag Delete Facebook).

It is high time students should avoid the use of social media like Facebook. Because Facebook not only steals the information but also spread rumors and fake news. Moreover, there are lots of fake profiles on Facebook. In a word, Facebook has become ā€˜Fakebookā€™ nowadays. If you want to stay mentally fit and free from data insecurity, then it is high time you should delete Facebook. Because always remember that Facebook business model is based on your data. It will be better if you give more time to studies and can do part-time job in your free time instead of wasting your valuable time on social media. For example, you can provide dissertation service.

Finally, I would like to conclude it by saying that the Facebookā€™s Cambridge Analytica really shocked the people of the world especially the students in 2018. As a result, they discussed it very much.

If you have any confusion, you can ask us in the comment section. Suggestions from you regarding this topic is also appreciable.

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