Roy Peleg
Over the years Roy has acted as a chief editor and a writer in two pioneering computer technology related websites. He gained vast knowledge in computer hardware, consumer electronics, web programming and web designing. Additonally Roy has functioned as an IT manager and system manager in various organizations as well as in the IDF.
Iddo Genuth
Co-Founder, Science & Technology Editor
Iddo has a B.A. in Philosophy and Cognitive Science and an M.A. in Philosophy of Science from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He is currently writing his Ph.D. thesis on the relationship between the scientific community and industry. Iddo was awarded the 2006 Bar Hillel philosophy of science prize for his work on the relationship between science and technology. He is a member of the board of the lifeboat foundation and was the editor of several high-profile science and technology websites since 1999.
Gloria Koss
Managing Editor
Gloria has a BS in Accounting from Western International University in Arizona and a MA from National University in California. She has taught English language and literature at the primary, secondary, and post-secondary levels. She is currently working as a freelance writer and proofreader while continuing to teach. You can also visit her website.
Lynda LaFon
Lynda has a BS in Biochemistry with a Technical Writing minor from the University of Tennessee and she has a certification in Bioinformatics from John Hopkins. She works in a research laboratory and as a freelance science writer.
Sarah Gingichashvili
Sarah is a Computer Science and Business Management student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. Currently she is spending most of her time either at the university laboratories or tutoring at MEET – Middle East Education through Technology project, where she works as a programming instructor
Ehud Rattner
Ehud is a student for Communication & Journalism as well as Business Administration in the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He has knowledge in computers’ software and hardware and a keen interest in consumer electronics and innovative gadgets.
Eynat Rotman
Eynat has a B.Sc in Biology and an M.Sc in Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology from Tel-Aviv University. She is currently attending a continuing education program in the Pharma-Job Bio-Medical College towards becoming a clinical research associate.
Noa Rotkop
Noa has a B.A. in Philosophy from Tel-Aviv University and is currently completing her degree in Arts. She has also applied for MA studies in Philosophy, which she plans to begin next year.
Roni Barr
Roni is a Biotechnology and Food Engineering student at the Technion (Israel Institute of Technology). She is a certified database administrator.
David Morgenstern
David is a graduate student in the Hebrew University, on the subject of interactions between pathogenic bacteria and polar cells. He has a M.Sc. degree in the Hebrew University on the subject of scorpion venom toxins.
Nir Grava
Nir has a solid multidisciplinary background of business and technology that consists of Project Management, IT, Business and Software development. He has years of experience working with large enterprise vendors such as HP, Government Agencies and leading companies of the Mobile industry as well as smaller start-ups.
Michal Dekel
Michal has a BSc in biotechnology from Bar Ilan University and an MSc in molecular genetics from Tel Aviv University. She is currently working on her PhD in molecular genetics in Tel Aviv University, focusing on genomic stability of embryos and embryonic stem cells. Most of her research is carried out at the Danek Gertner Institute of Human Genetics. Michal is also the winner of FameLab Israel 2007. FameLab is a science communication competition created in the UK in order to discover the new faces of science in the 21st century, and was brought to Israel by the British Council.
Anni Shaer-Levitt
Anni has a B.Sc. in Psychology and Biology from the Hebrew University and is currently working on her M.Sc in Neurobiology. Her thesis will focus on face perception and processing.
Anuradha Menon
Anu has a bachelor’s degree in Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering from Monash University Malaysia. She is currently working as a Research Assistant at Monash. Anu has published an academic paper on robotics and artificial intelligence at MTC 2008 – IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement Technology Conference in Victoria, Canada.
Shalhevet Bar-Asher
Shalhevet is finishing her B.A. degree in physics and mathematics at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She will begin her M.A. studies in physics next year and will focus on cosmology and astrophysics, her main topics of interest.
Janice Karin
Janice Karin has a B.A in physics from the University of Chicago and a
M.S. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania. In addition to
extensive experience as a technical writer focused on development
tools, databases, and APIs, Janice has worked as a freelance reporter,
editor, and reviewer with contributions to a variety of technology
websites. One of her primary focuses has been on PDAs and mobile
devices, but she is interested in many other areas of science and
Itay Galim
Itay is an Industrial design student at Bezalel academy of art and design in Jerusalem, Israel. Over the years he worked as a photographer and a graphic designer while living abroad. His motto: “I’m a new age geek and I *love* technology”.
Judy Duncan
Judy Duncan holds a B.S. degree in Occupational Therapy with a minor in Psychology. She has over 25 years of experience in the health care field working in a multitude of venues, including acute care, out-patient, home health, geriatric, early intervention and pediatric care. She has developed and presented educational programs at the professional, educational and community level. In addition to being a professional in the medical field, she is a published writer, with hundreds of reviews and articles appearing on-line, and is currently working on a speculative fiction novel.
Personal Columns
Dr. Boaz Tamir
Boaz holds a Ph.D. degree in Mathematics from the Weizmann Institute of Science. His main interest is in number theory. For the last several years he has researched quantum physics.In 2008 he recived a second Ph.D. – in History and Philosophy of Science from the Bar Ilan- University. His thesis was written on quantum computers. Boaz is also interested in popular science and S.T.S. He is teaching some courses in S.T.S and philosophy of science in the Bezalel Academy of Art. He also holds a B.Sc degree in social science, an LL.B. degree, and serves as a director of several private companies.
Israel Beniaminy
Israel has a Bachelor’s degree in Physics and Computer Science, and a graduate degree in Computer Science. He develops advanced optimization techniques at ClickSoftware technologies, and has published academic papers on numerical analysis, approximation algorithms and artificial intelligence, as well as articles on fault isolation, service management and optimization in industry magazines. Israel is the author of reviews and articles on Artificial Intelligence, including (since 2002) a monthly column in the Israeli magazine of Science and Thought “Galileo”, where he is also an Editorial Advisor.
Dr. Anthony S. Travis
Dr. Anthony S. Travis is deputy director of the Sidney M. Edelstein Center for the History and Philosophy of Science, Technology, and Medicine at The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, and Senior Research Fellow at the Leo Baeck Institute London. He has published widely on the history of chemical technology, including, The Rainbow Makers: The Origins of the Synthetic Dyestuffs Industry in Western Europe (1993), a Choice Academic Book (1993), and Dyes Made in America, 1915-1980: The Calco Chemical Company, American Cyanamid, and the Raritan River (2004). With Carsten Reinhardt he published Heinrich Caro and the Creation of Modern Chemical Industry, that received the ABB-Wissenschaftspreis-2000. In 2007, Travis was recipient of the American Chemical Society History of Chemistry Division’s Edelstein Award.
Ran Levi
Ran has a B.Sc in Electrical Engineering from the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology. He haspublished a book about the history of Perpetual Motion Machines, and writes aboutvarious scientific and technological issues. Ran also has a Podcast (in Hebrew ) named ‘making history‘, about the history of science and technology.
Dr. Daniel Uziel

Shalhevet Zohar
Shalhevet is an International Relations and SE Asia student at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. She has experience in translation, editing and proofreading, in both Hebrew and English.
Barak Raz
Barak has a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from the Netanya Academic College. At present Barak is working towards a graduate degree in Educational Technology at Bar-Ilan University. Barak is currently devoting most of his time and energy to his entrepreneuring projects, and serves as a consultant to a number of start-up companies.
Shachar Raz
Shachar received his training as a practical engineer at the ORT Bialik Academy in Israel. He received his B.Sc. in engineering (Communications) from UNH, Connecticut in the USA, and an MBA from the Heriot Watt University in Scotland. Working for several communication companies Shachar has extensive knowledge in VOIP, GSM and WiFi networks. From 2004 to 2006 Shachar served as the general manager at Sustainer – an Israeli computer and communication company.
Gadi Howard
Gadi is a graduate of the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. He has a M.Sc in cellular and developmental biology. Gadi is also a medicine student at the Hadassah School of Medicine in Jerusalem. His main topic of research is cancer oriented epigentics focusing on DNA methylation.
Tal Inbar
Tal is the head of the space and UAV research center at Israel’s Fisher institute for air and space strategic studies, and the chairman of the Israeli space society. Tal learned political science and security studies, at the Tel Aviv University. He has 17 years of experience in teaching space sciences at various organizations and institutions, including the Weizmann Institute of Science. He is a member of the AIAA since 1997, and the national coordinator of the world space week, a UN declared international enterprise. Tal’s current areas of interest include the Chinese space program, Responsive Space, Missile defense and private space enterprises. He is frequent speaker at international congresses such as the international space congress and Milsatcom. He is freelance writer at “Galileo”, Ynet and “hayadan”.
Dr. Lucille Fresco-Cohen
Lucille was trained as a Molecular Biologist, doing laboratory research mainly in the field of RNA processing. Lucille received her Ph.D. at Duke University Medical Center where she conducted research on small nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (U snRNPs). As a Postdoctoral Researcher in laboratories at the Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research of MIT and then at the Harvard Medical School, she focused on alternative pre-mRNA splicing in the fruit fly Drosophila, and then on the mRNA capping enzyme of yeast. Lucille has published a number of papers with her colleagues in peer-reviewed journals and has done editing of biotechnology patents and scientific manuscripts.
Avner Yanai
Avner has a bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem and is currently studying for an M.Sc. in Applied Physics in the Hebrew University.
Guy Molho
Guy is an Industrial Engineering student at Tel Aviv University. He has experience in analysis of new technology, writing blogs and managing technological forums and communities.
Asaf Peer
Asaf has a bachelor’s degree in computer science and computational biology from the Hebrew University in Jerusalem. At the time being asaf is working towards his graduate degree in the same program.
Doron Tilleman
Doron is an Information Management student at the Open University and Beit Berl College, where he also studies to be a Certified Librarian and an Information Specialist. He is currently working as a librarian and information specialist at a research library of an organization in the defense field.
Amir Yativ
Amir has a B.Sc. in Physics from Tel-Aviv University and is currently studying for a M.Sc. in Applied Physics in the Hebrew university.
Roey Tzezana
Roey has a BSc in biology from the Technion, and is currently engaged in his PhD studies in nano-technology and nano-sciences in the Technion. His current research focuses on combining nano-technology, tissue engineering and human embryonic stem cells in order to create a new functional full-size tissue for transplantation in the body. Roey also won second place in the FameLab 2007 competition for science communication in Israel, and is lecturing in various fields of science and especially nano-technology.