
wind power

TFOT 2013 Round-Up: Year in Review

TFOT 2013 Round-Up: Year in Review

Although some tech enthusiasts considered 2013 to be a “blah” year for technology, we have found that it was a year that drastically improved existing technologies while laying the groundwork for even better ones to emerge in the future. While ...

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Wind Power Without Wind

Wind Power Without Wind

Diagram of the phere (Creditt: Alexander Slocum MIT) In recent years more an more offshore wind farm projects have been emerging all over the world. Although many of them are capable of producing large amounts of power, depending on the ...

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Cloud-Seeding Yachts Sail the Seas

Cloud-Seeding Yachts Sail the Seas

Researchers John Latham of the University of Manchester and Stephen Salter of the University of Edinburgh have designed wind powered cloud-seeding yachts that spray salty sea water into the air to increase the reflectivity of the clouds covering over 25% ...

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HYmini – Hybrid Mini Green Power Bank

HYmini – Hybrid Mini Green Power Bank

HYmini is a handheld hybrid mini ‘green’ power station. Measuring only 5.4 inches (134mm) X 3.4 inches (87.5mm), it uses three power sources: renewable wind power, solar power, and the conventional electric power outlet. The energy collected by the HYmini ...

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