Konarka Technologies, Massachusetts, has recently partnered with German retailer Neuber to create shoulder bags that charge various portable devices using solar power. The lightweight bags, dubbed Sun Bags, utilize sunlight to create electric power, which can recharge almost any gadget ...
Aigo Portable Solar Charger
The Chinese company aigo has recently introduced the I2911, a portable solar charger for mobile devices. Using the new charger, users can extend their time between conventional charges and operate for longer periods of time off the grid. Using a ...
Light For Life Flashlight
5.11 Tactical has recently introduced their new innovative flashlight – “Light For Life” UC3.400. Unlike regular flashlights, which require constant battery changing, this new gadget offers a rechargeable battery that can be recharged in a minimal amount of time. Various ...
Intel’s Wireless Power Technology Demonstrated
Intel claims it has improved the efficiency of a method for powering devices wirelessly. Intel’s “Wireless Energy Resonant Link” (WREL), technology was demonstrated by transmitting electricity wirelessly to a lamp on stage and lighting a 60 watt bulb, which consumes ...