Nobel Prize Archives - TFOT

Nobel Prize

2008 Nobel Prize in Physics

2008 Nobel Prize in Physics

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is awarding the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physics to Yoichiro Nambu of the Enrico Fermi Institute at the University of Chicago, Makoto Kobayashi of the High Energy Accelerator Research Organization in Tsukuba, Japan, and ...

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2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine

2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine

The Nobel Assembly at Karolinka Institute is awarding the 2008 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Harald zur Hausen of the German Cancer Research Centre in Heidelberg, Germany, Francoise Barre-Sinoussi of the Virology Department of the Institut Pasteur in ...

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2007 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

2007 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences is awarding the 2007 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Gerhard Ertl, a researcher at the Fritz-Haber Institute of the Max-Planck Society in Berlin. Ertl will receive the prize for his studies of chemical processes ...

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2007 Nobel Prize in Physics

2007 Nobel Prize in Physics

The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physics was awarded for the discovery of a revolutionary quantum mechanical effect that is used to store and retrieve data on hard disk drives in a way not possible before. The prize will be divided ...

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2007 Nobel Prize in Medicine

2007 Nobel Prize in Medicine

The 2007 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine will be shared by Oliver Smithies from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA,, Mario R. Capecchi from the University of Utah and the Howard Hughes Medical Institute Salt Lake ...

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2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry

The 2006 Nobel Prize in Chemistry – is being awarded by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to Roger D. Kornberg from Stanford University for his: “studies of the molecular basis of eukaryotic transcription”. Roger Kornberg has been selected for ...

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2006 Nobel Prize in Physics

2006 Nobel Prize in Physics

Nobel Prize in Physics – According to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the 2006 Nobel in Physics will be awarded to John C. Mather of the NASA Goddard Space Flight Center (on the left) and George F. Smoot of ...

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2006 Nobel Prize in Medicine

2006 Nobel Prize in Medicine

Andrew Z. Fire (left) and Craig C. Mello – The 2006 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine is shared by Professor Andrew Z. Fire from Stanford University, California, and Professor Craig C. Mello from the University of Massachusetts Medical School ...

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