A group of engineers from the University of Zurich, Switzerland, has found a new way of producing higher quality MRI images. Their technique, they say, will increase the doctors’ ability to diagnose disease, thus making treatment more effective. It may ...
Common Cold DNA Successfully Sequenced
A multi-institutional team of researchers has deciphered the genetic sequences of all known strains of viruses responsible for the common cold. Their research reveals the weaker spots in the virus and according to the scientists, will help develop new anti-viral ...
Chinese Botanical Drug to Cure Peanut Allergies
A recent study conducted at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in New York suggests that a Chinese botanical drug can help patients manage their food allergies. This new drug may help many allergic patients in the western society and could ...
Smart Bombing Cancer with a Virus
Researchers from the North Carolina State University have modified a common plant virus to deliver drugs specifically into cancer cells without harming the surrounding tissue. This discovery could increase the effectiveness of chemotherapy as well as reduce the side effects ...
The Gruve for Weight Management
Muve, a Minneapolis-based company has developed the Gruve Solution, a patent-pending weight management system that tracks energy expenditure using a wearable device. The Gruve comes with an online tracking service and the company’s Muvology consulting service. The Gruve is unique ...
Understanding Receptors to Cure AIDS
Scientists from Cornell University have gained new insight into how receptors on cell surfaces turn off signals from their environment. Their results may have a great influence on the understanding of cancer, AIDS, neurodegenerative disorders, and other illnesses. Prof. Scott ...
Detecting Cancer when it’s Barely There
Scientists from Stanford University have developed a device that can scan blood and find signs of cancer, even at its earliest stages. Early detection will allow early treatment and greatly improve the survival chances of patients. Dr. Shan Wang (Credit: ...
Human Antibodies Neutralize Avian Flu
A recent study conducted at the Burnham Institute for Medical Research in California, led by Professor Robert Liddington, showed that human antibodies can neutralize the effect of the avian flu virus. These antibodies can be used to generate vaccines and ...
Harder than Diamond
Researchers from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and the University of Nevada, Las Vegas have calculated that compressed lonsdaleite (also called a hexagonal diamond) is 58% harder than a diamond. Traditionally, lonsdaleite has been rated between 7 and 8 on the ...
A Key to Brain Cell Vulnerability
Researchers at the University of Florida have discovered an enzymatic switch that allows some cells to live and leaves nearby cells to die. These results may be a key discovery in the fight against Alzheimer’s disease. The researchers found an ...