VR to fight Fear of Flying (Credit: University of Haifa) A new form of cognitive-behavior therapy offered by the Department of Psychology in the University of Haifa in Israel uses virtual reality to confront one of the more common phobias. ...
Artificial Burger Just around the Corner?
The first pieces of artificial muscle First strips of muscle tissue created by Dutch scientists using stem cells have sparked hope of artificially grown hamburger, reducing the world’s dependence on expensive live stock. During a recent press conferance which took ...
SAFOD Gets to Heart of San Andreas Fault
Rock sample drilled up from the San Andreas Fault (Source – TGDaily.com) Drilling down into the heart of an earthquake has long been a deep desire for many scientists. Recently, that desire has been obtained as the international team, the ...
Stimulating Muscle Growth
A leg extension machine used to work the muscles of the lower body. Source: George Stepanek. Researchers at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada have determined that muscle fatigue and not the amount of weight involved is the critical factor ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Prevention
The regions of the brain associated with Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Source: National Institutes of Health. Scientists at Northwestern University in Evanston, Illinois have developed a new treatment to prevent stressful events from triggering Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder or PTSD. Consisting of ...
The Roomba Air-Pollution Detector
The Roomba floor-cleaning robot has been around for a few years now, and while most of us have seen it’s infomercial on late night television, researchers at the Public Laboratory for Open Technology and Science (PLOTS) and the Rhode Island ...
Salamanders as an Ecological Indicator
The world’s smallest salamander, pictured here next to a dime, is found in Georgia. (photo courtesy UGA) The California Tiger Salamander is on the verge of extinction (photo courtesy National Geographic Society) Ranging from the tiny Patch-Nosed Salamander with adults ...
Laurie O’Keefe-Ant Insect Society
The profession of medical and biological illustration is an elite one, with very few members. Of those at the top of their game is Laurie O’Keefe, who created the image featured this week, “Ant Insect Society.” Ms. O’Keefe has a ...
Cancer Prevention May Begin at the Produce Stand
Georgetown researchers were the first to determine the link between eating cruciferous vegetables and reduced cancer incidence. The medical community has known for some time that eating cruciferous vegetables like broccoli, watercress, and cauliflower seemed to lower cancer risk. It ...
Purdue Developing New Wound Healing Materials
Alyssa Panitch, an associate professor in Purdue’s Weldon School of Biomedical Engineering, peers into a sampling of a scaffold-like material that is designed to be injected into the body. The material starts off as a liquid then fastly hardens to ...