
Green Tech

Biofuel Rocket Tests Successful

Biofuel Rocket Tests Successful

The California based company Flometrics recently completed tests of biodiesel fuel in rockets originally designed for kerosene propulsion. Although the tests did not run the Rocketdyne LR-101 engine at full thrust, results showed a mere four percent degradation in performance ...

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Swift Wind Turbine

Swift Wind Turbine

Developed by Renewable Devices in Scotland, the Swift Wind Turbine is the first quiet rooftop turbine that generates electricity by harnessing the power of the wind as a cost effective energy source for home, commercial, and industrial applications. The Swift ...

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Shelby Ultimate Aero Electric Car

Shelby Ultimate Aero Electric Car

Shelby Super Cars (SSC) – a Washington-based manufacturer of high-end sports cars, has recently released the details of its “All-Electric Scalable Powertrain” (AESP) technology, which the company says will be incorporated into their flagship Ultimate Aero (UA) vehicle. The UA ...

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Bio-Based Solar Cells

Bio-Based Solar Cells

The California-based “BioSolar” company has developed a novel technology to produce bio-based materials from renewable plant sources, which could significantly reduce the cost of solar cells. By replacing petroleum-based plastic solar cell components with bio-based materials, the company says it ...

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Carbon Material to Store Renewable Energy

Carbon Material to Store Renewable Energy

Engineers and scientists from the University of Texas in Austin have recently discovered the use of graphene, a relatively new, one-atom thick carbon based material, as a means to store electrical charge in an ultracapacitor. This new breakthrough could ultimately ...

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Efficient Wave Power in Sight

Researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) and the Technical Institute of Lisbon, Portugal are developing a more efficient way to harness wave power into useable electricity. Called the Oscillating Water Column (OWC), the design uses waves to force ...

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Printing in Green

PRC Technologies, a division of Print Recovery Concepts, has unveiled the world’s first “green” toner, which the company says is at the center of the “sustainable printing program” it plans to introduce to businesses, schools, colleges, and governmental organizations across ...

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Hydropower from Vortex-Induced Vibrations

Hydropower from Vortex-Induced Vibrations

Vortex Hydro Energy of Ann Arbor, Michigan is developing generators to harness the energy from vortex-induced vibrations found in rivers, oceans, and other waterways with currents. Consisting of a simple mechanical system interacting with the natural vibrations that occur when ...

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2010 Solar Roof Prius

2010 Solar Roof Prius

Toyota has announced that the next redesign of their highly successful hybrid Prius automobile will include solar panels on its roof. These panels will power the air conditioning system, allowing its operation without turning on the car’s main engine. The ...

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Aigo Portable Solar Charger

Aigo Portable Solar Charger

The Chinese company aigo has recently introduced the I2911, a portable solar charger for mobile devices. Using the new charger, users can extend their time between conventional charges and operate for longer periods of time off the grid. Using a ...

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