Earlier this month a 10 ft underwater kite began to produce electricity in a pilot project off the coast of Northern Ireland. The kite can produce more energy from lower velocity currents than almost any existing tidal technologies and the ...
Silicon Supercapacitor to Replace your Battery
Assistant Professor Cary Pint (Joe Howell / Vanderbilt Researchers from Vanderbilt University in Tennessee developed a new technology that has the potential to revolutionizing the way we store energy. By creating the first useable supercapacitor made out of silicon they ...
Seene – 3D Realistic Images with your iPhone in a Snap
Seene – 3D demo London based startup Obvious Engineering recently released a mobile iOS app that can easily and quickly create a 3D effect image based of several images take from the camera of your mobile device resulting in a ...
Spike:The Ultimate Measuring Device for your SmartPhone
Spike illustration – Measure any building with a click Real Spike measuring part of a building Need to measure a building, a billboard or even a tree? want to create a 3D model of the inside of a house? Until ...
Radically New Method for Producing Hydrogen from Water
Researchers from the University of Colorado Boulder developed a radically new technique which can fuel a sustainable green economy with nothing more than sunlight and water by producing clean hydrogen gas. The University of Colorado team new technique uses sunlight ...
Radar Tech can Find Survivors Under 30 Feet of Debris
Members of the JPL team during FINDER testing (Image credit: DHS/John Price) Whenever a natural disaster or a man made one occurs, locating survivors as quickly as possible is imperative. The first few hours are critical and the more time ...
In Development – Wallpaper Sensors
From left: Professors James Sturm, Naveen Verma and Sigurd Wagner draw on a wide range of expertise to build complex electronic devices on thin plastic sheets. (Photo by Frank Wojciechowski) Researchers at Princeton University have created ultra-thin radios which can ...
Air in Shower Can Save 35% of Your Water Consumption
The TOTO Air in Shower technology TOTO – the world’s largest toilet manufacturer from Japan developed a technology which reduces water usage by up to 35%. The technology uses air which is infused into the water coming out a shower ...
Seeing Through Walls Using… WIFI
Wi-Vi demo (Credit: MIT) It might not be Superman’s X-ray vision, but researchers from MIT are working on a technology which could track humans moving behind walls using inexpensive WIFI technology. Several companies have been working on developing technologies that ...
Samsung to Allow a Remote Kill Switch for Stolen Phones
Samsung Galaxy S4 – will the next Gen smartphone come with a kill switch? (Credit: Iddo Genuth) Earlier this week Samsung promised it is working on a new feature that will allow mobile operators to completely disable a mobile device ...