Image by Igor Link from Pixabay As both a concept and an activity, work has existed for as long as humans have been around. At first, labor was comprised of hunting for food, building shelter, and creating clothing. Producing a ...
The Future of Business Process Management (BPM) In 2020 And Beyond
Photo by from Pexels Businesses continue to evolve, and the processes and management flow of businesses have evolved as well. Add technology innovation, and the evolution of business practices are futuristic. This is where business process management or BPM fits into all ...
3 Biggest Pitfalls of Not Choosing The Right LMS
A well-thought-out sophisticated LMS is a lot more than just another system that is used by your company. In its essence, it is the very backbone of eLearning and it is vital that people and marketers alike understand and treat ...
The Unexpected Pitfalls Of Being A Digital Nomad
Image by Rudy and Peter Skitterians from Pixabay I have an incredible life. I work online, in a field I absolutely love. I get to spend time on passion projects and make my own schedule. And, of course, I get ...
The Subscription Economy: What It Is and Why It’s Advantageous
The sharing economy, the gig economy, the engagement economy, the entrepreneur economy – over the last decade, business analysts have rolled out the term “economy” for pretty much every notable phenomenon driving the way people do business. But none was ...
Common Microservices Architecture Development Mistakes
Image by Mudassar Iqbal from Pixabay Microservices architecture development is a relatively new field. A number of practices are still being ironed out. Unfortunately, there are a lot of common mistakes that can lead to costly outcomes. Developers need to ...
How to Get Better at DIY Projects
Photo by from Pexels DIY projects offer a lot of personal satisfaction. There’s nothing quite like learning how to do something and then creating something on your own. Unfortunately, many of us are unhappy with the end-results of our projects. They just ...
Bring Your Workplace Into The Future With Flexibility
Photo by from Pexels Business no longer takes place between the hours of 9am and 5pm, Monday to Friday, companies now run 24 hours a day, seven days a week and in some cases 365 days a year. To ...
3 Cost-Cutting Ideas for Businesses of Tomorrow
Image Source Learn. Adapt. Overcome. Many organizations and people use these three simple words to motivate their strategies, outlook or planning. You always want to be an open book and continue learning. While you keep learning, you may find new ...
The Self-Storage Industry Is Trending: Here’s Why
Image Source The days of dusty and dark storage facilities are over. In the past few years, the reinvention of the self-storage industry has ushered in new tech trends with services geared toward customers. New modern designs of facilities, automated ...