Most people connect to the internet wirelessly rather than through a cable. That means that a high-quality wireless connection is more important than ever. If you’ve noticed that certain areas of your home have better Wi-Fi than others, or ...
Innovative Blockchain Applications That Are Impacting Everyday Life
Of course, we have seen blockchain technology taking the world by storm recently, particularly in financial and gaming industries. By underpinning all kinds of cryptocurrency, blockchain can ensure that all transactions are properly conducted and recorded, keeping all categories of ...
The quick and the dead – Arbitrage bidding in Adtech and network latency
Arbitrage bidding in online advertising borrows heavily from the high frequency trading world of wall street. In arbitrage bidding, as is the case in high frequency trading, advertising inventory changes hands multiple times in a matter of milliseconds as it ...
New Tools that Every Real Estate Agent Should Have
There was a time, in the recent history of the real estate business, when an agent had to tote around a whole pile of tools. At a minimum, the Sunday paper, a stack of maps, a magnifying glass, a calculator, ...
8 Great Invention Ideas of the Last Decade
These top innovations from the past decade either introduced something entirely new or have transformed something already existing into something amazing. Armed with research, technical know-how, and the smarts to seize the right moment to introduce their product, companies were ...
Long Distance Relationships and Cloud Performance
In an increasingly connected world, we often take the Internet and the cloud for granted. After all, you can fire off an email to a client in Japan, hold a web chat with a colleague in Spain, create and share ...
Data Security of Tomorrow: Tips To Protect Sensitive Information
Data is everywhere. As we move towards a future that is even more data driven, it is important to take into consideration the risks associated with storing data. If you store the personal data of your consumers or employees on ...
The Big Deal about Big Data and the Big Payoff
There is a lot of speculation about ‘big data’ and what exactly it is. It’s gigabits of information, many may find un-excitable. But in reality it is the staple of the 21st century and the reason businesses thrive. This is ...
The Deep Web: Everything You Wanted To Know & More
A while back TFOT wrote about a new form of journalism that was based on content dug up from the depths of the deep web. Vocativ, the emerging news site that delves deeper prefers to reach farther than search engines ...
Three Effective Ways to Enhance Your Staff and Retention Rate by Using Video Conferencing
You have effectively been using the Internet to maximize exposure and grow your company over the years. Your company website generates a substantial number of unique views and visitors each month. You have become an expert at engaging with the ...