
How to Post Anonymously on Facebook Group?

Facebook is where stories are shared—sometimes just advice, other times a shared appreciation of something silly or significant—between individuals. You might want to put a thought on the platform without using your own name in the process. You just want to hide that these are your views because it might be controversial, or you wish to keep your identity hidden. If, for example, you need to put a personal status where we can help out, but you are too embarrassed to ask everyone on Facebook, then use the anonymous feature.

Here, we will walk you through all you need to know about posting anonymously to a Facebook group, not just with desktop steps but also with mobile steps, and more or less, the motive idea behind doing so and how to proceed if you cannot find the anonymous posting option.

Facebook Group

Why Post Anonymously On Facebook?

With that said, using the anonymous post feature is pretty simple. Let’s first get some of the basics down as to why you would even need to begin with. Real Feedback Wanted: You have a problem or question to which you don’t want to attach your name. Posting anonymously will guarantee that you are going to receive real feedback, and people won’t feel threatened to tell how they really feel because it’s coming from you.

Personal stories: You might have a personal story that you would like to share, but aren’t ready for everyone in your group (or the world) to know it was yours. Being anonymous gives you the space to be vulnerable without being too open.

  • Avoiding Judgement: Sometimes, the person who posted leads to people judging even before jumping on what has been responded to. They tend to respond more authentically when you remain anonymous, and they’re reacting to your words, not who or what you believe in.
  • Disassociating your Name: Whether you are being judged or made fun of, anonymity and the ability to post is truly a gift from heaven. You can get into the conversations where you would normally have been too shy to speak.

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How To Post Anonymously On Facebook?

Post Anonymously

How to Post Anonymously in Facebook Group Using Desktop

Posting on Facebook anonymously is easy enough, but it works a little differently than the desktop and mobile versions. Well, first desktop, so let’s get to it:

Signing In: Log in to your desktop or laptop Facebook account and open the group where you want to post something anonymously. Open Facebook

Find the Posting Section: When you enter your group, look for where it says, “Compose Post” or “Write Something.” That’s usually where you go to make a post, right?

Select Anonymous Post: To select an anonymous one below the post area. Tap on that.

Once selected, a confirmation message will pop up explaining how anonymous posts are handled. Read it; you’ll get a real idea of how anonymous (or not) Facebook anonymity is.  After this, click on the “I want to post anonymously” button.

Create your post: Now that you have everything set up, create a new post. Once you are satisfied with your write-up, click on “Submit.”

How it Works: It shows up as “Group member” for private Facebook groups, and in public groups, it displays as a “Group participant.”

And that’s it! So, whatever you share, having your name hidden is invisible, like a ninja in the dark. In fact, you can even see how people are responding and engaging with the posts in comments and your notifications without them ever knowing you’re seeing it.

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How to Post to a Facebook Group Anonymously from Your iPhone

This is how you can do that on your iPhone; you’ll understand if you are traveling and have no browsers at your service or need the post to go up anonymously in that very instant:

Open Facebook App: Open your iPhone to the Facebook app, then tap on three horizontal lines at the bottom right corner to open a menu. Menu ▸ Groups > ‘Select the Group’

Go To The Post Section: Just like on a desktop, you will have to go under the ‘Compose post’ or, in some cases, search for the Write Something section. Usually, this is at the top of your feed on Facebook.

Tap Anonymous Post: It will bring up the option “Anonymous Post”. Tap it.

Tap the Anonymity Switch / Toggle: You’ll be prompted, when you want to post anonymously, tap this toggle to turn it on.

Review and Submit: When you post something new, this is the pop-up you will get, letting you know your posts are pending review. This is so you can ensure that your post is in keeping with the group rules and Facebook Community Standards. When ready, tap ‘Submit’.

Your post will be visible once the group administrators approve it. Regardless of whether you’re on a desktop, your name will only be displayed as “Group member” or “Group participant.”

Post Anonymously on Facebook Group via Android

Post Anonymously on Facebook Group via Android

On an Android, you will follow the same process:

Open Facebook: You can open the Facebook app on your android and go to the desired group where you want to post something. Alternatively, you can tap on the “Write Something” at the top of your feed.

Pick your group: If you’re posting in a Facebook group where you may or may not be a member, move to the next steps. Open the group on which you want to post an anonymous.

Get into the Post Section: Scroll down to ‘Compose Post’ or Write Somewhere, and You Will Find “Anonymous Post”.

Turn On Anonymity: Go to the anonymous option. This is a necessary part if you post from your feed or even in a group. Go and write in your post.

Put your post up: Once you get the pop-up a post needs approval just press on it, and send. Approved, post live.

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Why Can I Not Post Anomyous On Facebook Group?

Useful, naturally, when used from one stance or another, to be sure—but there really isn’t any way to post without revealing a name on Facebook for the most part, especially in some groups. Some reasons you can’t post anonymously include:

– Admins have it turned off

– That feature is currently turned off by the admins running the group. It is at the sole discretion of the admins whether to allow an anonymous post in that particular group.

Groups can’t do this: Sometimes you just don’t inherit the permission, either due to settings or group type.

Group Rules: Although anonymous writing is legal, some groups still ban posts from anonymous accounts. Before you post anonymously, make sure to read the rules of the group. Unfortunately, If the group you’re a part of does not allow anonymous posting, you won’t be able to use the feature.

And attempting to circumvent these regulations might get you removed from the group. Or, if you cannot post anonymously, you can reach out to the group administrators and request that they allow anonymous posting. Or they might be cool with it (and sufficient other people have also shown an interest in anonymous posting).

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The most powerful thing about making an anonymous post on a Facebook group is the ability to communicate without fear or detection. Be it seeking advice, sharing one’s story in anger, or just the desire to stay under the radar, anonymous posts can help free speech.

It should be noted that this removes your view from the rest of the group members but not those who own or run the groups, and it does NOT hide you from Facebook itself, which in essence assists high safety levels on the one hand and prevents abuse for a feature like this—with all due respect!

So now, if you have something to share but don’t feel quite confident enough yet to claim it as your own, try posting anonymously. It could be just what you need to make it through whatever support or feedback you are seeking without any pressure at all.

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