Stainless steel appliances are liked for their modern look. Cookware, stove, fridge, sink, and microwave enhance the beauty of the kitchen. However, this nonerasable and durable steel can get scratches in no time due to regular usage.
Appliances need regular cleaning. It will protect the stainless steel from scratches. Quite a common question is how to remove scratches from stainless steel appliances. In this article, we have discussed some ways to get rid of scratches on your appliance.
Make sure the surface is made of Stainless Steel
First of all, you need to make sure that the surface is made of stainless steel and not other materials. Mostly it is considered that stainless steel is nonmagnetic, but austenitic steel is the only one that is not magnetic. Moreover, fingerprints can be seen on the stainless steel surface having a brushed look.
Stainless steel also has a vertical or horizontal grain that is continuous throughout the surface. It is essential to know the grain direction because you should clean the scratches in the same direction as the direction of the grain. Otherwise, the scratch will become worse. It is essential to consider these factors to know how to get rid of scratches on stainless steel appliances.
Cleanse the Surface
To remove scratches from stainless steel devices, use a vinegar solution to remove dirt or oil and wash it with water afterward. Another product of choice is stainless steel cleaning product. However, it is always better to act upon the instructions while cleaning the surface of appliances given by the manufacturing company. After cleaning, dry the surface with a dry piece of soft cloth in the direction of the grain.
Remove the Scratch
It is a commonly asked question of how to get scratches out of stainless steel appliances. Many ways can be used for cleaning a stainless steel appliance. Minor scratches can be managed by any local cleaning product, for example, comet or reverse stainless steel. You might be given a specific cleaning product for cleaning the appliance, in case of that use this product. Polish can be used to cover minor scratches.
Removing minor scratches
- Non-Abrasive Cleanser:
Make a paste for covering the entire surface – a powder cleanser should be mixed with water. It will help if you spread it on the surface in the same direction as grain with the help of a wet sponge or cloth to remove scratches from stainless steel appliances. When the surface becomes free of scratches, coat it with olive oil or stainless steel polish.
- Stainless Steel Scratch Removal Compound:
The compound should be mixed with water to form a paste having the consistency of toothpaste. If the compound is cream-based, you should apply the paste to a cloth and then rub it in the direction of the grain. When the scratch is cleared from the surface, clear it with the help of a cloth. Dry the stainless steel surface and check if scratches are removed. If not removed, then the process should be repeated.
- Toothpaste:
In case if the abrasive approach is needed, toothpaste should be applied to a soft brush. You should brush the scratch after some time to see if the scratches are removed. It would be best if you brushed continuously by adding more toothpaste. Clean the surface of stainless steel.
Removing Deep Scratches
Many people ask how to fix scratches on stainless steel appliances, if the scratch is deeper and is not managed by the above-mentioned ways, then use sandpaper. Use dry or wet sandpaper or if the manufacturer company has specified an abrasive pad, then use it. Sandpaper should be watered throughout the cleaning process.
Make the target area wet by using a sponge and clean the scratch by applying light pressure. But ensure to move in grain’s direction. Rub the area with sandpaper lightly which will help to merge the scratch with the surrounding surface. Clean it with a wet cloth. Use a soft cloth to dry out the area and polish it.
Although stainless steel appliances add to the beauty of your kitchen, their surface can get scratches and appear untidy. That’s why stainless steel appliances need maintenance and cleaning daily. However, if your stainless steel appliances get scratches, it is a common concern about getting scratches out of stainless steel appliances. This article has discussed some important tips and tricks to restore your appliances’ shine and esthetic look. To go through some more reliable ways to keep your appliances in good order, visit Complete Care Home Warranty.