People seek out therapy for an extensive variety of mental health afflictions. Childhood trauma, depression and deep-rooted fears are just a few of the many problems therapy can effectively treat. However, as is the case with many things in life, you’re likely to get out of therapy exactly what you put in. While your therapist will certainly do their part, you’ll need to be an active participant as opposed to a passive observer. In other words, if you wish to truly reap the rewards of therapy, you can’t just sit back and expect someone else to do all the work. Anyone looking to get the most out of therapy will be well-served by the following tips.
Don’t Be Afraid to Explore Your Options
Not every therapist you see is going to be a good fit for you. In some cases, the therapist you choose may not have much experience treating patients with your specific psychological issues. In others, the two of you simply may not see eye to eye on an effective treatment plan. At the end of the day, your therapist is someone who’s being paid to attend to your mental health care, and if you don’t feel like they’re capable of providing the type of treatment you require, you are well within your rights to explore your options. Although some people are able to hit it off with their therapists right away, it takes others months to find the right person.
Of course, as is the case with any time of professional relationship, you and your therapist needn’t part on bad terms. If you don’t feel as if the time you’ve spent with them has proven helpful, don’t be afraid to speak up and voice your concerns. In many cases, your therapist may point you in the direction of someone they think is better-suited to you.
Similarly, therapists sometimes decide to part ways with patients. More often than not, this is because they feel that they’re not sufficiently qualified to treat certain issues. Sometimes, therapists believe that they’ve treated certain patients to the best of their abilities and opt to have them continue their treatment elsewhere. If this ever happens to you, it’s important that you abstain from taking it personally, as your therapist is simply acting in your best interest, not trying to get rid of you.
Complete Homework Assignments
Therapists often assign patients homework. Depending on the therapist and type of mental illness being treated, these assignments run the gamut from social interaction to detailed journaling. While you may find devoting a portion of your free time to homework, it’s important to remember that your therapist isn’t doing this to punish you. Instead, they wish to see you thrive, and for that to happen, you need to understand that your treatment doesn’t end when you leave their office. Failure to complete homework assignments may lead your therapist to believe that you aren’t serious about getting better and prompt them to recommend you to another professional.
Stick to the Recommended Appointment Schedule
When you have your intake appointment with a new therapist, they’re likely to provide you with a recommendation regarding how often you should see them. Depending on the severity of your case, they may recommend that you see them as often as several times a week or as little as once a month. In order to get better within a reasonable time-frame, it’s generally in your best interest to heed their recommendation.
If you have a busy schedule that doesn’t feature room for in-person appointments, you should consider remote therapy options. Land of Lincoln residents interested in attending therapy remotely can find an assortment of convenient options when searching for “online therapy Illinois”.
Therapy can dramatically improve your life in a number of ways. From increased confidence to improved performance at work to healthier relationships, a good therapist can be a boon to every facet of your existence. However, this isn’t to say that your therapist should be the only active participant in improving your mental health. You’re likely to get just as much out of therapy as you put in, so if you truly wish to reap its rewards, step up to the plate and don’t place the burden entirely on your therapist.