
wind farm

TFOT 2013 Round-Up: Year in Review

TFOT 2013 Round-Up: Year in Review

Although some tech enthusiasts considered 2013 to be a “blah” year for technology, we have found that it was a year that drastically improved existing technologies while laying the groundwork for even better ones to emerge in the future. While ...

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Wind Power Without Wind

Wind Power Without Wind

Diagram of the phere (Creditt: Alexander Slocum MIT) In recent years more an more offshore wind farm projects have been emerging all over the world. Although many of them are capable of producing large amounts of power, depending on the ...

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Replacing Nuclear: Japan Build Largest Wind Farm

Replacing Nuclear: Japan Build Largest Wind Farm

Fukushima Recovery, Experimental Offshore Floating Wind Farm Project (Credit: University of Tokyo) Japan recently announced a ambitious plan to replace all its nuclear reactors with renewable energy sources and is planning to erect the largest wind farm in the world ...

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Swift Wind Turbine

Swift Wind Turbine

Developed by Renewable Devices in Scotland, the Swift Wind Turbine is the first quiet rooftop turbine that generates electricity by harnessing the power of the wind as a cost effective energy source for home, commercial, and industrial applications. The Swift ...

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Selsam SuperTurbine

Selsam SuperTurbine

The innovative Selsam SuperTurbine off-shore concept was designed for simplicity, as it eliminates all components that do not directly contribute to power generation, resulting in a low-cost wind turbine. The unit is equipped with multiple, synchronous, small rotors and with ...

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Repower 5M – Largest Wind Turbine

Repower 5M – Largest Wind Turbine

The Repower 5M is one of the largest and most powerful wind turbines in the world, with a rated power of 5 megawatts, a rotor diameter of 126 meters, and a hub height of around 90 meters at sea and ...

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